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Exploring Greek Cities and Epic Stories: The Oral to Written Journey




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L’epica omerica

Exploring Greek Cities and Epic Stories: The Oral to Written Journey

The Homeric epics and Greek civilization's evolution from oral traditions to written documentation, highlighting key archaeological discoveries and cultural transformations.

Key points:

  • Archaeological discoveries by Schliemann (Troy), Evans (Knossos), and the decipherment of Linear B script
  • Questione omerica development and transition from oral to written traditions
  • Evolution of Greek civilization through the Dark Ages to the rise of polis greca
  • Importance of Homeric epics in Greek literary and cultural heritage
  • Development of Greek dialects and their influence on Homeric language



<h2 id="discovery">Discovery</h2>
<p>The Poems of Homer - the events that took place, at the hands of the Greeks, in the 13th century BC.</


The Origins and Evolution of Homeric Epics

The first page delves into the rich history of Greek civilization and the development of Homeric epics, marking significant archaeological discoveries and cultural transitions. The chronological progression begins with major archaeological findings that revolutionized our understanding of ancient Greek civilization.

Highlight: The discovery of Troy by Schliemann in 1871 and Mycenae in 1876 provided physical evidence of locations mentioned in Homeric epics.

Definition: L'epica omerica e la tradizione orale refers to the oral tradition of Homeric epics before their written documentation.


  • Aedo: Original composer of epic poetry
  • Rapsodo: Performer of existing epic songs
  • Linear A and B: Ancient writing systems discovered at Knossos

Example: The decipherment of Linear B by Ventris in 1952 revealed it as an archaic form of Greek, providing crucial insights into Mycenaean civilization.

Quote: "The arrival of the Dorians marked the collapse of civilization, leading to the 'Hellenic Middle Ages'"

The text describes the transition from the Mycenaean civilization through the Dark Ages to the emergence of the polis greca, highlighting the reintroduction of writing and the development of commerce, art, and literature. The passaggio dalla cultura orale a quella scritta was crucial in preserving the Homeric epics, which were eventually divided into 24 books by Alexandrian philologists.

The linguistic aspects of the epics showcase a literary language combining Ionic and Aeolic dialects, demonstrating the sophisticated nature of filologia omerica and the complex evolution of Greek literary traditions.

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Exploring Greek Cities and Epic Stories: The Oral to Written Journey

The Homeric epics and Greek civilization's evolution from oral traditions to written documentation, highlighting key archaeological discoveries and cultural transformations.

Key points:

  • Archaeological discoveries by Schliemann (Troy), Evans (Knossos), and the decipherment of Linear B script
  • Questione omerica development and transition from oral to written traditions
  • Evolution of Greek civilization through the Dark Ages to the rise of polis greca
  • Importance of Homeric epics in Greek literary and cultural heritage
  • Development of Greek dialects and their influence on Homeric language








<h2 id="discovery">Discovery</h2>
<p>The Poems of Homer - the events that took place, at the hands of the Greeks, in the 13th century BC.</

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The Origins and Evolution of Homeric Epics

The first page delves into the rich history of Greek civilization and the development of Homeric epics, marking significant archaeological discoveries and cultural transitions. The chronological progression begins with major archaeological findings that revolutionized our understanding of ancient Greek civilization.

Highlight: The discovery of Troy by Schliemann in 1871 and Mycenae in 1876 provided physical evidence of locations mentioned in Homeric epics.

Definition: L'epica omerica e la tradizione orale refers to the oral tradition of Homeric epics before their written documentation.


  • Aedo: Original composer of epic poetry
  • Rapsodo: Performer of existing epic songs
  • Linear A and B: Ancient writing systems discovered at Knossos

Example: The decipherment of Linear B by Ventris in 1952 revealed it as an archaic form of Greek, providing crucial insights into Mycenaean civilization.

Quote: "The arrival of the Dorians marked the collapse of civilization, leading to the 'Hellenic Middle Ages'"

The text describes the transition from the Mycenaean civilization through the Dark Ages to the emergence of the polis greca, highlighting the reintroduction of writing and the development of commerce, art, and literature. The passaggio dalla cultura orale a quella scritta was crucial in preserving the Homeric epics, which were eventually divided into 24 books by Alexandrian philologists.

The linguistic aspects of the epics showcase a literary language combining Ionic and Aeolic dialects, demonstrating the sophisticated nature of filologia omerica and the complex evolution of Greek literary traditions.

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Knowunity Γ¨ l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei

Knowunity Γ¨ stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed Γ¨ costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

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