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Everything You Need to Know About the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death




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WARS AND SOCIAL REVOLT - THE PLAGUE - English literature Letteratura inglese

Everything You Need to Know About the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death

The Hundred Years' War and social upheavals marked a tumultuous period in English history from 1308 to 1485. This era saw significant conflicts, including the war with France, religious reforms, peasant revolts, and the devastating Black Death. Key events include:

  • Edward I's conquest of Wales and attempts on Scotland
  • The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) over French territories
  • The bubonic plague outbreak of 1348
  • John Wycliffe's Lollardy movement
  • The Peasants' Revolt of 1381
  • The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)



wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa


The Wars of the Roses and the Black Death

The Hundred Years' War concluded in 1453, but internal strife continued in England with the Wars of the Roses. This civil conflict between the houses of York and Lancaster lasted from 1455 to 1485.

Highlight: The Wars of the Roses ended with the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, where Henry Tudor defeated Richard III, establishing the Tudor dynasty.

The Black Death, or bubonic plague, was a catastrophic pandemic that originated in Asia and spread to Europe in the mid-14th century. It reached England in 1348, causing massive population loss and significant social changes.

Definition: The bubonic plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, transmitted by fleas living on rats.

The plague's impact was severe due to lack of immunity and the concurrent outbreak of pneumonic plague, which was even more deadly.

Quote: "The bubonic plague spread easily due to a lack of immunity among the population and it was accompanied by outbreaks of the pneumonic plague, that was spread by direct contact and gave no chance of survival."

The pandemic led to widespread panic, with people fleeing cities for the countryside in an attempt to escape infection. The name "Black Death" comes from the dark discoloration of infected bodies after death.

Vocabulary: Yersinia pestis - The bacterium responsible for the bubonic plague, discovered in the 19th century.

The effects of the Hundred Years' War on Europe and the Black Death in England were profound, reshaping social structures, economics, and demographics for generations to come.

wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa


Wars and Social Revolts (1308-1485)

The early 14th century saw significant territorial conflicts and the beginning of the Hundred Years' War. Edward I conquered Wales and attempted to conquer Scotland, but was thwarted by William Wallace. The Plantagenets continued to fight for their French lands, leading to Edward II's claim to the French crown in 1337, marking the start of the Hundred Years' War.

Highlight: The Hundred Years' War, lasting from 1337 to 1453, was not just about territorial claims but also had commercial motivations, particularly concerning the wool trade with Flanders.

The war was interrupted in 1348 by the Black Death, a devastating plague that killed over a third of Britain's population. This pandemic had far-reaching economic and social consequences.

Example: The labor shortage caused by the plague led to a rise in wages and prices, contributing to the decline of feudalism.

During Edward II's reign, a religious reform movement called Lollardy emerged, led by Oxford scholar John Wycliffe. This movement criticized church corruption and advocated for evangelical poverty.

Definition: Lollardy was a pre-Protestant Christian religious movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation.

The reign of Richard II, who ascended to the throne at age ten, saw significant social unrest. The introduction of the poll tax led to widespread riots, culminating in the Peasants' Revolt led by Wat Tyler.

Vocabulary: Poll tax - A tax imposed on every adult regardless of income.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death

The Hundred Years' War and social upheavals marked a tumultuous period in English history from 1308 to 1485. This era saw significant conflicts, including the war with France, religious reforms, peasant revolts, and the devastating Black Death. Key events include:

  • Edward I's conquest of Wales and attempts on Scotland
  • The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) over French territories
  • The bubonic plague outbreak of 1348
  • John Wycliffe's Lollardy movement
  • The Peasants' Revolt of 1381
  • The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)








wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa

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The Wars of the Roses and the Black Death

The Hundred Years' War concluded in 1453, but internal strife continued in England with the Wars of the Roses. This civil conflict between the houses of York and Lancaster lasted from 1455 to 1485.

Highlight: The Wars of the Roses ended with the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, where Henry Tudor defeated Richard III, establishing the Tudor dynasty.

The Black Death, or bubonic plague, was a catastrophic pandemic that originated in Asia and spread to Europe in the mid-14th century. It reached England in 1348, causing massive population loss and significant social changes.

Definition: The bubonic plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, transmitted by fleas living on rats.

The plague's impact was severe due to lack of immunity and the concurrent outbreak of pneumonic plague, which was even more deadly.

Quote: "The bubonic plague spread easily due to a lack of immunity among the population and it was accompanied by outbreaks of the pneumonic plague, that was spread by direct contact and gave no chance of survival."

The pandemic led to widespread panic, with people fleeing cities for the countryside in an attempt to escape infection. The name "Black Death" comes from the dark discoloration of infected bodies after death.

Vocabulary: Yersinia pestis - The bacterium responsible for the bubonic plague, discovered in the 19th century.

The effects of the Hundred Years' War on Europe and the Black Death in England were profound, reshaping social structures, economics, and demographics for generations to come.

wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa

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Wars and Social Revolts (1308-1485)

The early 14th century saw significant territorial conflicts and the beginning of the Hundred Years' War. Edward I conquered Wales and attempted to conquer Scotland, but was thwarted by William Wallace. The Plantagenets continued to fight for their French lands, leading to Edward II's claim to the French crown in 1337, marking the start of the Hundred Years' War.

Highlight: The Hundred Years' War, lasting from 1337 to 1453, was not just about territorial claims but also had commercial motivations, particularly concerning the wool trade with Flanders.

The war was interrupted in 1348 by the Black Death, a devastating plague that killed over a third of Britain's population. This pandemic had far-reaching economic and social consequences.

Example: The labor shortage caused by the plague led to a rise in wages and prices, contributing to the decline of feudalism.

During Edward II's reign, a religious reform movement called Lollardy emerged, led by Oxford scholar John Wycliffe. This movement criticized church corruption and advocated for evangelical poverty.

Definition: Lollardy was a pre-Protestant Christian religious movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation.

The reign of Richard II, who ascended to the throne at age ten, saw significant social unrest. The introduction of the poll tax led to widespread riots, culminating in the Peasants' Revolt led by Wat Tyler.

Vocabulary: Poll tax - A tax imposed on every adult regardless of income.

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