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WARS AND SOCIAL REVOLT - THE PLAGUE - English literature Letteratura inglese







wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa


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wars and social revolts
Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to
conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the
Scottish hero William Wa


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wars and social revolts 1308-1485 Edward I conquered Wales and wanted to conquer Scotland but he was stopped by the Scottish hero William Wallace. Then the Plantagenets continued to fight to recover their lands in France. In 1337Edward II claimed the crown of France for his mother was the French king's sister. This caused the beginning of the Hundred Years' War, that finished in 1453. Moreover there was a commercial reason for the war: the Flanders, the chief market for English wool, was threatened by the French. In the 1348 the war was interrupted by the bubonic plague that killed more than a third of Britain's population. In that period, the labour shortage led to a drastic rise in prices because labourers started to ask higher wages. This phenomenon was a radical change from feudalism. WICKLY! During the last years of Edward II's reign a religious reform movement called Lollardy began. Their leader was the Oxford scholar John Wycliffe. This movement criticised the corruption in monastic orders and the feudal monasteries' policy of lending money at interest. They believed that the Church should help people live a life of evangelical poverty and imitate Jesus Christ. In 1377 the crown passed to the ten-years-old Richard II During his first years on the throne, England was ruled by his uncle John of Gaunt. After introducing "poll tax" (a tax imposed on every adult regardless of...

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income), Richard became very unpopular and many riots started breaking out all over the country. These revolts became known as Peasents' Revolt Wat Tyler gathered a crowd of people and marched on London to ask the king to abolish the peasants' duties on their landlords but, in the end, the king did nothing and the leaders of the revolt were killed. di The war ended in 1453 but two families continued to fight in England. These civil wars became known as the Wars of the Roses because of the coat of arms of the contending houses: the white rose of York and the red rose of Lancaster. The wars ended in 1485 with the defeat of the last Yorkist king, Richard II, during the Battle of Bosworth, he was defeated by the Lancastrian Henry Tudor, who became the first Tudor king as Henry VII A year later, he married Elizabeth of York to unite the Yorkist and Lancastrian claims to the throne. The plugue The bubonic plaque, also known as Black Death, was one of the most devastating pandemics in history. It originated in Asia and spread in Europe thanks to fleas living on rats that infested trading ships. The outbreak in England began in 1348 and killed more than a third of the population very quickly. It is known as Black Death because the infected bodies turned dark coloured after death. York Rose Tudor Rose Lancaster Rose The bubonic plague spread easily due to a lack of immunity among the population and it was accompanied by outbreaks of the pneumonic plague, that was spread by direct contact and gave no chance of survival. Only few people could recover from this disease, so people started leaving cities to go to the countryside. Nowadays, we know that bubonic plague was caused by a bacillus called Yersina pestis that was discovered during the 19th Century.