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Learn Italian Food Vocabulary: Flashcards & Fun Exercises for Kids!




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Learn Italian Food Vocabulary: Flashcards & Fun Exercises for Kids!

This unit focuses on food and drink vocabulary, countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers, and oral competences related to ordering food and drinks in English. It covers essential grammar concepts and practical language skills for dining situations.




Vocabulary: food and drink
Countable and uncountable nouns: sostantivi numerabili e sostantivi non numerabili
singolare plurale
Some and any


Food and Drink Vocabulary and Grammar

This page introduces key concepts related to food and drink vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills in English. The content is designed to help students understand and use language related to quantities, ordering, and dining situations.

The page begins by introducing the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns (sostantivi numerabili e sostantivi non numerabili). This grammatical concept is fundamental for correctly discussing quantities in English.

Definition: Countable nouns are those that can be counted individually (e.g., apples, bottles), while uncountable nouns represent substances or concepts that cannot be counted as separate units (e.g., water, rice).

The lesson then moves on to quantifiers, introducing "some" and "any" as ways to express indefinite quantities. These are used differently in positive, negative, and question forms.

Example: "I'd like some water" (positive statement) vs. "Do you have any bread?" (question)

The page also covers question forms for asking about quantities, specifically "How many...?" for countable nouns and "How much...?" for uncountable nouns.

Highlight: Understanding the difference between "How many" and "How much" is crucial for forming correct questions about quantities in English.

Further quantifiers are introduced, including "a few" and "a little" for small quantities, and "lots of," "many," and "much" for larger quantities. These are categorized based on their use with countable or uncountable nouns.


  • A few: used with countable nouns (e.g., a few apples)
  • A little: used with uncountable nouns (e.g., a little water)
  • Lots of: used with both countable and uncountable nouns
  • Many: used with countable nouns in questions and negative sentences
  • Much: used with uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences

The final section of the page focuses on oral competences, providing useful phrases for ordering food and drinks in English.

Example: Common phrases include:

  • "What can I get you?"
  • "I'd like..." / "I'll have..."
  • "Would you like...?"
  • "What would you like to...?"
  • "That's the bill"
  • "Can I have the bill please?"
  • "Here you are"

These phrases are essential for Lessico cibo italiano L2 learners to practice and master, as they form the basis of typical restaurant interactions in English-speaking countries.

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Learn Italian Food Vocabulary: Flashcards & Fun Exercises for Kids!

This unit focuses on food and drink vocabulary, countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers, and oral competences related to ordering food and drinks in English. It covers essential grammar concepts and practical language skills for dining situations.









Vocabulary: food and drink
Countable and uncountable nouns: sostantivi numerabili e sostantivi non numerabili
singolare plurale
Some and any

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Food and Drink Vocabulary and Grammar

This page introduces key concepts related to food and drink vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills in English. The content is designed to help students understand and use language related to quantities, ordering, and dining situations.

The page begins by introducing the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns (sostantivi numerabili e sostantivi non numerabili). This grammatical concept is fundamental for correctly discussing quantities in English.

Definition: Countable nouns are those that can be counted individually (e.g., apples, bottles), while uncountable nouns represent substances or concepts that cannot be counted as separate units (e.g., water, rice).

The lesson then moves on to quantifiers, introducing "some" and "any" as ways to express indefinite quantities. These are used differently in positive, negative, and question forms.

Example: "I'd like some water" (positive statement) vs. "Do you have any bread?" (question)

The page also covers question forms for asking about quantities, specifically "How many...?" for countable nouns and "How much...?" for uncountable nouns.

Highlight: Understanding the difference between "How many" and "How much" is crucial for forming correct questions about quantities in English.

Further quantifiers are introduced, including "a few" and "a little" for small quantities, and "lots of," "many," and "much" for larger quantities. These are categorized based on their use with countable or uncountable nouns.


  • A few: used with countable nouns (e.g., a few apples)
  • A little: used with uncountable nouns (e.g., a little water)
  • Lots of: used with both countable and uncountable nouns
  • Many: used with countable nouns in questions and negative sentences
  • Much: used with uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences

The final section of the page focuses on oral competences, providing useful phrases for ordering food and drinks in English.

Example: Common phrases include:

  • "What can I get you?"
  • "I'd like..." / "I'll have..."
  • "Would you like...?"
  • "What would you like to...?"
  • "That's the bill"
  • "Can I have the bill please?"
  • "Here you are"

These phrases are essential for Lessico cibo italiano L2 learners to practice and master, as they form the basis of typical restaurant interactions in English-speaking countries.

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Knowunity è stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed è costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

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