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The Victorian Age







vistorians believed in God but also in progress
and science
freedom was linked to religion (freedom of
England gained access to


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vistorians believed in God but also in progress and science freedom was linked to religion (freedom of conscience) England gained access to five chinese por and control of Hong Kong encourage public and political actions and created a lot of charities Mind Copy self-restraint, good manners and self-help concept shared general agreement on the virtues unpleasant aspects of society were hidden under outward respectability physically weaker but morally superior divine guides and inspirers of men they controlled the family budget and brought up the children the indian administration was given fewer responsabilities single mum is a fallen woman rejection of words with a sexual connotation from everyday vocabulary denunciation of nudity in art sexually repressed in both its public and private forms evangelicalism progress, reforms and political stability poverty and injustice. between China and Britain between China and Britain France the "Lady with the Lamp" modernity was praised but there was a revival of Gothic and Classicism in art she formed an institution for the development of the nursing profession growing emphasis of the duty of men to respect and to protect women female chastity moralising prudery Religion had an important rule indian mutiny (rebellion) against british rule Second opium war mixture of morality and hypocrisy First opium war age of organized by prince Albert tariffs on imported corn housed at the Crystal palace price of bread very high education and hygiene middle and working classes in order to show the world Britain's industrial/ and economic power between Russia and Britain + France + Turk the...

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first conflict reported in newspapers by journalists "on the ground" Victorian compromise Florence Nightingale leaded a team of 38, nurses general attitude to sex 2 opium wars against chinal most lucrative colony was India the Crimean war 1851 the Great Exhibition. bad weather and an unknown plant disease from America caused the destruction of potato crops a lot of people died many emigrated to America 1860 building of the London Undergroung terrible famine the primer minister abolish the corn laws respectability a complex age foreign policy ind ion Copy technological progress The victorian age irish potato famine Queen Victoria an age reforms chartism came to the trone in 1837 she was just 18 years old she was to rule for 64 years age of economic and scientific progress and social reforms ideal head of a costitutional monarchy 1840 she married Prince Albert workhouses and religion they had nine children they provided a model. first woman in England to try the anaesthesia First/Great Reform Act 1832 Factory Act 1833 respectability 1857 she gave him the title of prince consort Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 group of working-class radicals people's charter demanding had prevented children (9-13) from being employed more than 48 hours a week no person (13-18) could work more than 72 hours a week had transferred voting privileges from the small boroughs to the large industrial towns system of regimentation, hard work and a monotonous diet poor had to wear uniforms and their families were split puritan virtues of hard work, frugality and duty the idea behind them was that this dreadful life would inspire the poor to try to improve their own conditions mainly run by the church equal electoral districts creation of workhouses. universale male suffrage secret ballot paid MPs their influence was later felt with the second reform act annually elected parliament abolition of the property qualifications for membership this movement failed because no one in power was ready for such democracy istitutions where the poor received board and lodging in return for work