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Tempi verbali inglesi (Past, Present, Future)







Past Simple
I studied
Past Continuous
I was studying
Present Simple
I study
Present Continuous
I am studying


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Past Simple
I studied
Past Continuous
I was studying
Present Simple
I study
Present Continuous
I am studying


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Past Simple
I studied
Past Continuous
I was studying
Present Simple
I study
Present Continuous
I am studying


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Past Simple
I studied
Past Continuous
I was studying
Present Simple
I study
Present Continuous
I am studying


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PAST PRESENT FUTURE VERB TENSES Past Simple I studied Past Continuous I was studying Present Simple I study Present Continuous I am studying Future Simple I will study Future Continuous I will be studying Past Perfect I had studied Past Perfect Continuous I had been studying Present Perfect I have studied Present Perfect Continuous I have been studying Future Perfect I will have studied Future Perfect Continuous I will have been studying Past SIMPLE PAST Sogg + Verbo + ed I studied Attenzione ai verbi irregolari! (I wrote) USO Per azioni completate nel passato ESEMPI I lived in London for two They didn't eat Did you arrive in time? years Past CONTINUOUS Sogg+WAS/WERE + Verbo -ing I was studying USO Per azioni che si prolungano nel passato ESEMPI I was reading a book last night She wasn't cooking We're they sleeping? Forma affermativa Past PERFECT Sogg + HAD + Participio I had studied USO Quando ci sono 2 eventi accaduti nel passato e un evento si é verificato prima dell'altro ESEMPI When I arrived she had already cooked He was tired because he hadn't slept well Hadn't you finished? Past PERFECT CONTINUOUS Forma negativa Sogg + HAD BEEN + Verbo -ing I had been studying USO Per un'azione in svolgimento terminata prima di un'altra azione nel passato ESEMPI When the bus arrived we had been waiting for more than 20 minutes It hadn't been snowing for long Had the car been working well before the accident? Forma interrogativa PRESENT Present SIMPLE Sogg + Verbo presente I study USO Per azioni che si svolgono nel presente e per azioni abituali ESEMPI He drinks tea at breakfast I don't wash my hair everyday Do you like tennis? Present CONTINUOUS Sogg+ AM/ARE/IS + Verbo -ing I am studying USO Per azioni che sono ancora in...

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Didascalia alternativa:

corso nel momento in cui si parla ESEMPI He is eating his dinner It isn't raining Are they working? Forma affermativa Forma negativa Present PERFECT Sogg + HAVE/HAS + Participio I have studied USO Per un'azione iniziata nel passato ma che continua nel presente ESEMPI I have always wanted to visit Madrid I haven't cooked yet How long have you lived in America? Present PERFECT CONTINUOUS Sogg + HAVE/HAS BEEN + Verbo-ing I have been studying USO Per situazioni iniziate nel passato e non ancora finite o appena finite ESEMPI I've been working all day He hasn't been feeling well How long have you been waiting here? Forma interrogativa FUTURE Future SIMPLE Sogg + WILL + Verbo I will study USO Per azioni che accadranno in futuro, per fare previsioni o supposizioni ESEMPI It will rain tomorrow He won't eat the soup you go Will to the cinema tonight? Future CONTINUOUS Sogg + WILL BE + Verbo -ing I will be studying USO Per un'azione che sarà in corso nel futuro ESEMPI I'll be waiting for you at 6 o'clock They won't be opening the library until 2 pm today Will she be coming with us? Forma affermativa Future PERFECT Sogg + WILL HAVE + Verbo -ed I will have studied USO Per un'azione che sarà stata completata in un momento futuro ESEMPI By friday I will have finished my report He won't have received the letter What will you have done by the end of today? Forma negativa Future PERFECT CONTINUOUS Sogg + WILL HAVE BEEN + Verbo -ing I will have been studying USO Per un'azione che finirá prima di un preciso momento nel futuro ESEMPI Next year I will have been working here for 3 years I won't have been waiting too long when arrive there you Won't you have been eating too much at dinner? Forma interrogativa