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Impara il Present Simple e il Past Simple con esempi facili!




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Sintesi Tempo verbali in inglese

Impara il Present Simple e il Past Simple con esempi facili!

Il presente riassunto offre una panoramica concisa dei principali tempi verbali e strutture condizionali in inglese, evidenziando il loro uso e formazione. Vengono trattati i seguenti argomenti:

  • Present simple e present continuous
  • Past simple e past continuous
  • Present perfect
  • Condizionali (zero, first e second conditional)
  • Espressioni del futuro con will, be going to e present continuous

Il riassunto fornisce esempi di utilizzo e indicazioni temporali associate a ciascun tempo verbale, offrendo una guida pratica per la comprensione e l'applicazione di queste strutture grammaticali fondamentali.




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Impara il Present Simple e il Past Simple con esempi facili!

Il presente riassunto offre una panoramica concisa dei principali tempi verbali e strutture condizionali in inglese, evidenziando il loro uso e formazione. Vengono trattati i seguenti argomenti:

  • Present simple e present continuous
  • Past simple e past continuous
  • Present perfect
  • Condizionali (zero, first e second conditional)
  • Espressioni del futuro con will, be going to e present continuous

Il riassunto fornisce esempi di utilizzo e indicazioni temporali associate a ciascun tempo verbale, offrendo una guida pratica per la comprensione e l'applicazione di queste strutture grammaticali fondamentali.









present simple -> cose vere, abitudini e routines
Sogg + f. base
Present continuous -> azioni che si stanno svolgendo
Sogg.+be+ f base + ING

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English Verb Tenses and Conditionals: A Comprehensive Guide

This page provides a detailed overview of various English verb tenses and conditional structures, essential for mastering the language. The information is presented in a clear, concise manner, making it an excellent resource for language learners, including those studying for B2 level English.

Present Tenses

Present Simple

The Present Simple tense is used to express facts, habits, and routines.

Example: I go to school every day.

Structure: Subject + base form of the verb

Highlight: Common time expressions for Present Simple include "today," "usually," "everyday," and "always."

Present Continuous

This tense describes actions that are currently in progress.

Example: I am studying English right now.

Structure: Subject + be (am/is/are) + base form of verb + -ing

Highlight: Typical time expressions include "at the moment" and "now."

Past Tenses

Past Simple

The Past Simple is used for actions that began and ended in the past.

Example: I visited Paris last summer.

Structure: Subject + base form of verb + -ed (or irregular form)

Highlight: Common time expressions include "yesterday," "last year," and "a day/hour/month ago."

Past Continuous

This tense describes a progressive action in the past, often interrupted by another action.

Example: I was reading when the phone rang.

Structure: Subject + was/were + base form of verb + -ing

Highlight: Often used with "when" and "while."

Perfect Tenses

Present Perfect

The Present Perfect is used for unspecified past actions or states that continue to the present.

Example: I have visited Paris three times.

Structure: Subject + have/has + past participle

Highlight: Often used with "just," "already," "ever," "never," and "yet."

Future Tenses


Used for uncertain predictions, instantaneous decisions, suppositions, offers, and requests.

Example: I think it will rain tomorrow.

Structure: Subject + will + base form of verb

Be going to

Used for certain future predictions and planned actions.

Example: We are going to visit our grandparents next week.

Structure: Subject + be going to + base form of verb

Present Continuous for Future

Used for organized actions at a specific time in the future.

Example: We are flying to London next month.

Present Simple for Future

Used for schedules, events, and public transport timetables.

Example: The train leaves at 9 AM tomorrow.

Conditional Structures

Zero Conditional

Used for general truths and scientific facts.

Example: If you heat water to 100Β°C, it boils.

Structure: If + Simple Present, Simple Present

First Conditional

Used for possible future situations and their likely results.

Example: If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.

Structure: If + Simple Present, will + base form of verb

Second Conditional

Used for hypothetical or unlikely situations in the present or future.

Example: If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.

Structure: If + Simple Past, would + base form of verb

Vocabulary: Specchietto tempi verbali inglese (English verb tenses chart) - A visual representation of English verb tenses, often used as a study aid.

Definition: Tempi verbali inglese corrispondenti italiano (English verb tenses corresponding to Italian) - The comparison between English and Italian verb tenses, highlighting similarities and differences.

This comprehensive guide to English verb tenses and conditionals provides a solid foundation for language learners. By mastering these structures, students can significantly improve their ability to communicate effectively in various contexts and time frames.

Non c'Γ¨ niente di adatto? Esplorare altre aree tematiche.

Knowunity Γ¨ l'app per l'istruzione numero 1 in cinque paesi europei

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