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Scientific revolution, john milton and Paradise lost, the restoration of the theatre and The way of The world







 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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 Royal society
-It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's.
-Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to t


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Royal society -It was founded in 1662 with king Charles II's. -Its motto, nullius in verba ("nothing by words") was a direct challenge to the dependence of old philosophy on written authorities. -It became the centre of the evolution of the new philosophy and science. New scientific methods There are 3 methods for to study natural phenomena Deductive method -It was used for the first time by Aristotele (400 d. C) -It is based on the concept of "from general to particular" -It use logic, maths, geometry -The conclusion necessarily follows from promises Experimental method (17th century) -It is applicated to physics, chemistry, bwloyhy and maths -It is based on the concept "from particular to general" -It is founded on the formulation of hypnotises and their verification thought experiments -This method was invented by Galileo Galilei, an italian astronomer -It was used also by Kepler Method of classification It is a typical method of biology →it groups togheter any organism into a family or a class Hobbes His famous work is called Leviathan He is best known for his political thought his main concern was the problem of social and political order He thought that man are violent and they cant live togheter ✓ for a civil cohabitation they must lose liberty they sign a social pact with authority, Queen or king he/she had the absolute power had the 3...

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powers Locke He lays the foundation for liberationism He thought that man are not violent and they can live togheter There is a unic problem for the society, the revenge there is a need for a governament people can change it three powers are divided John Milton Life John Milton was born by a rich and protestant family in 1608 in London He was a Humanist scholar and he felt that his poetic inspiration was a gift from God He learned Latin, Greek and Italian at Cambrige He hated all forms of tyranny During the period 1632-1637 he published poetry, drama, songs and music wich celebrated chastity. His elegy Lycidas attacked the corrution of the Church. In 1638 Milton began a European tour and he visited Galileo in Fiesole. Back in England, he supported Oliver Cromwell's policy and he become a secretary in Cromwell's Council of state. In 1642 he married the daughter of a Royalist, but they divorce. Around 1652 Milton became blind, but his boundless helped him to stimulate his verbal richness. After the restauration of the monarchy in 1660, his republican writings were burnt and he was sent to prison → he was later pardoned and released. This political experience was recreated in his great poem, Paradise lost (1667); After he wrote Paradise Regained Paradise lost Plot The poem opens in medias res, with Satan and his rebel angel chained to a lake of fire in Hell. Satan is the most beautiful of angels: his name means "the enemy of God "in Hebrew. He rebelled with other angels against God but during the wall in Heaven he was defeated and was expelled from Heaven and sent to Hell → He is pound of being the King of Hell; He organised a Revenge against God He turns into a snake and he convince Adam and Eve to eat the Forbitten fruit As a conseguence, they are expelled from paradise and start to face the hardship of the outside world togheter Protagonist • Satan → is the hero of Paradise Lost; At the beginning of the poem he shows many of the characteristic of the tragic epic hero: leadership, courage and a refusal to accept defeat; Milton sympathises with the devil because he rebelled against tyranny of God as Milton rebelled against tyranny of Charles II there is a parallel between Milton's life and the devil's life He is presented as a complex character • Rebellion angels they are the followers of Satan Adam and Eve ● • God Language The style of this poem is grand and serious; The language is elevated and Complex with latinism. Setting He based his universe on the more traditional Ptolemaic system; Paradise-Heaven → God sits on his throne with the nine orders of angels; Hell → there are Satan and the tenth order of angels; It is the antithesis of the Heaven Eaden → the are Adam and Eve Themes Obedience and rebellion: Paradise Lost tells about the" Man's first Disobedience", the story of Adam and Eve and it tells about Satan's rebellion Milton's simpathy for the devil → Satan is the symbol of rebellion against tiranny (Charles II) Restoration of the theatre During the Crommwelth theatre was illegal but during the restoration of the monarchy theatre was made legal again → it is a period of great change; Theatre was an intimate space, with the roof and with artificial lit thanks by the use of the candles They had a stage curtain to hide some changes and there were painted movable scenery at the back of the stage to give the illusion of three-dimensional. Candles were taken only in the stage → the audience were in the dark Audience: People used to go to theatre not only to see brillant play, but also to meet people and to feel fashionable They set in the dark in galleries in the pit, wich during the period of Elisabethian theatre was the poor place but during the restoration theatre become a very fashionable place to be seated The audience were composed by upper-class → the ticket were many expensive; The audience, during the show, created an happy but loud atmosphere -> they used to support their favourite performers During the show they consummated alchool and snacks: They, during the show chated and readed scripts; Actors During this period also women could recite (advent of actresses) Actors signed a contract with the theatre → they could became famous Comedy of Manners It's the best literary expression of Restoration drama It want to have fun and it talks about absurdities of elegant society Characters: -More types of people -In the centre of the commedy there is a witty and immoral couple, on abbandoned mistress and cuckolded man Male character: was elegant, witty but cynical and opposed to the "gallant" or "fortunate lover" Female character: was witty and more interested in fashion than in morals Plot The most famous theme was the marriage without feelings but mainly linked to set and money The story was less important than the atmosphere, dialogue and satire The use of prose dialogue increased realism on the stage William Congreve Life He was born nean Leeds in 1670 He studied at Trinity College in Dublin With the Glorious Revoolution (1688) his family moved back in England In London he studied law but in 1693, after the considerable success of his first comedy he made waiting his career His masterpiece is The way of the World → it was not well at the time ✓ the gave up writing for the stage → he took a minor post in Government He died in London after a carriage incident in 1720 and he was buried in Westmister Abbey The way of the World The way of world reflects Congreve's view of the world of Restoration society Setting It takes place in London → in the house of Lady Wishfort in a chocolate house in St James's Park → they permitted gambling and attracted upper-class young man Characters Mirabell: is a young man from town-> he is a libertine and he falls in love with Millamant Millamant: is a beautiful woman They are unconventional, frank, independent and witty All the female characters of the play that are not servant are called "Mrs" as a term of respect Language The language of this play is expressive of the different characters; All the characters inclouding the servants use witty language Is present the use of descriptives surnames of Characters