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Romeo And Juliet







"Romeo and Juliet" is settled on Verona because Italians were considered violent and passionate.
The social context


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"Romeo and Juliet" is settled on Verona because Italians were considered violent and passionate.
The social context


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ROMEO AND JULIET SETTING "Romeo and Juliet" is settled on Verona because Italians were considered violent and passionate. The social context of the play is born from the fight between two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, to gain political control of the city. Most of the action happens out-of-doors like the famous balcony scene. CHARACTERS - Romeo Montague is presented as a man with intense adoration and respect for a lady. When he sees Juliet for the first time, he compares her to a light that frees him from dark melancholy. His love for Juliet makes him courageous. At the end he commits suicide rather than live without Juliet. - Juliet Capulet is beautiful. Rebellious, kind and loving. At the beginning she appears as an obedient child that do what her parents say. When she sees Romeo for the first time, she immediately shows determination and strength, she becomes a real woman. At the end, she kills herself because of the strong love she had for Romeo. THEMES - The power of love. Romeo and Juliet's love is so powerful that it becomes more important to them than their families and their lives. - Passsion and violence. The two families's hate is as strong as the two lovers's love - Individual against society. What the lovers want as individuals conflicts with what their...

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families and society want. - The power of fate. At the beginning of the play the chorus state that Romeo and Juliet are "star-crossed lovers" and that means their love will end tragically. STYLE The rhythms of the play are regular, rhymes are common and sometimes we can found sonnet into the dialogue. Imagery is about oxymora like life and death, love and hate, peace and fighting. THE PROLOGUE Romeo and Juliet begins with a "Prologue" spoken by the Chorus. It begins with information about where the play takes place (Verona) and with some background information about its principal characters. It is a fourteen-line sonnet. THE BALCONY SCENE The Balcony Scene is a part of the play where the two lovers declare their love to each other. Juliet appears on her balcony and wishes that Romeo's name did not make him her enemy. Romeo, hiding below her, surprises her by interupting and telling Juliet that he loves her. Juliet warns Romeo that his love had to be a real one, since she has fallen in love with him and does not want to be hurt. The balcony scene is more than a great lovers' meeting place. He has climbed over a large wall to enter the garden, which can be viewed as a sanctuary of virginity. He has invaded the only place which Juliet deems private, as her room is constantly watched by the Nurse or her mother.