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Puritan age







Charles I believed in the absolute power of the king. Eat this song Parliament in 1629, because he
couldn't found a solution


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THE PURITAN AGE Charles I believed in the absolute power of the king. Eat this song Parliament in 1629, because he couldn't found a solution to the financial problem, and he didn't call it for 11 years. This is one of the main causes of the Civil War. In 1640 Charles summoned parliament to solve the problems in the kingdom, but it lasted only three weeks and it was called as the short parliament due to the opposition from puritans. Parliament was called a second time and it lasted until 1642, becoming known as the long Parliament. One of the mainly members of it was Oliver Cromwell. Charles didn't listen to Parliament anymore and he was turning into a dictator. The Civil War began in 1642, when Charles I refused to cede the control of the army to Parliament; it consisted in a struggle between the parliamentarians and the Royalists or Cavaliers. The world ended with the execution of the King in Whitehall in London in 1649. After the war, and Cromwell became the political leader of the government known as the Lord protector. For the first time in England there wasn't monarchy, as the matter of fact it was called a republic, but it was a dictatorship. During Commonwealth every form...

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of enjoyment was suppressed. In 1658 Cromwell died. His way of rullino brought depression to the country, so in 1660 the monarchy was restored pleased with Charles II and theatres and public entertainment were re-opened because the people needed some old relief. Charles II was called the Merry Monarch, but with him the king or the Queen had a limited power as a constitutional monarchy. THE RESTORATION AND THE AUGUSTAN AGE Charles the second screen is called the restoration period because the king was restored to the throne with the old type of government. He steered is country through the struggle between Anglicans, Catholics and dissenters. But some groups refused the church of England as their religious guide and went in America, where they founded puritan communities. Charles II was succeded by his brother James II, who was a Catholic and you want to re-establish Catholicism, meeting the opposition of Parliament, not called William of Orange from Holland. He guided an army against the king in 1688, who was obliged to run away to France in 1689. This defeated of James is known as the glorious revolution because were introduced dome changes without bloodshed, contained in the bill of rights which limited the power of the king and introducing religious tolerance. During the last years of the 17th century, rose to political parties: the Tories, supported by their aristocracy, on the wigs represented by the middle-class. LITERARY CONTEXT In 1660 was founded the Royal Society, which wrote an influence on the culture of the country, because members of society wanted to expand knowledge which could be convenient for the public. They were formed English with the intention of putting clarity on the language. There was a need to sort code because it is appear that could be compared to the use of the Roman Empire I was to see that, that was a remarkable age for the literary production and the flooring of the arts. This age is also called the age of reason and enlightenment. Between 1616 and 1780 London was one of the most important and famous centre of literature because here novelists journalists and writers matter in theatres, clubs and coffee houses. The first coffee ours was opened in London in a 1652 on the ETA became a meeting place where people could exchange your beans and share ideas.