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Pride and prejudce, Jane Austen







"Pride and prejudice" is a novel written by Jane Austen in 1813, that presents a picture of
the usual customs and tradit


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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE "Pride and prejudice" is a novel written by Jane Austen in 1813, that presents a picture of the usual customs and traditions of the society of the time. Mrs and Mr Bennet lived with their five daughters, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and Lydia, in a sweet home in Longbourn, and given the lack of a son to leave the inheritance to, Mrs Bennet would like them to marry. For this reason the transfer of Mr. Bingley, a young aristocratic man of good fortune from the north of England, to the estate of Netherfield Park, is seen by Mrs. Bennet as a chance for one of her daughters to marry him. At the Meryton ball Mr. Bingley and Jane dance together and Bingley is dazzled by her, while his dear friend, Mr. Darcy shows no interest and reports unpleasant comments about Elizabeth. Jane is invited by Mr. Bingley's sisters to dine and her mother forces her to go riding a horse, hoping the rain will keep her there for the night, so that Darcy and her daughter could get to know each other better. Jane, in fact, falls ill and is forced to stay. A few days later, the family receives a visit from Mr Collins, a clergyman and cousin of the girls who, being...

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Longbourn's legitimate heir, hopes to be able to marry one of the Bennets' daughters. Around the same time, the Bennet family meets Wickham, a handsome army officer who says he was treated very cruelly by Darcy. Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth to marry him, she refuses, and he ask to marry him a few days later to Charlotte Lucas, a friend of the Bennet sisters, who accepts. Meanwhile, Mr. Darcy has realized that his friend Bingley is falling in love with Jane and tries to dissuade him. Bingley then leaves Netherfield to return to London, breaking Jane's heart. Elizabeth believes it's all Darcy's fault and this exacerbates her hatred of him. But Mr Darcy begins to feel attracted to Elizabeth, but when he declares to her his love, he is not able to not mark the inferior social position of Elizabeth. So she rejects him and accuses him of separating her sister and Mr Bingley, and of ill-treating Wickham. Darcy writes her a letter where he reveals that he has separated Jane and Bingley because he thought that Jane didn't love him and that Wikcham is an unscrupulous adventurer, in fact he runs away with Lydia and Darcy for the loved Lizzy, provides to their marriage. Elizabeth realises that she was mistaken about Darcy and accepts his proposal. Bingley comes back and becomes engaged to Jane, so the novel ends with the happy marriage of the two couples.