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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form)
We use it to talk about:
1) Things that are always or generally true
Some planets have many moons.


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Present simple Subject + verb (base form) We use it to talk about: 1) Things that are always or generally true Some planets have many moons. 2) Habits and routines (+ sometimes, never, always, rarely etc.) I rarely go to the cinema. 3) Actions described by stative verbs (like, enjoy, believe etc.) I don't believe that. Negative form Subject doesn't/don't+ infinitive I don't like videogames. Interrogative form Does/do + Subject + inifinitive? Do you like horror books? Present continuous Subject+ am/are/is + verb + ing We use it to talk about: 1) Temporary actions happening at or around the present time I'm reading the newspaper right now. 2) Changing situation The world is getting warmer fastly. 3) Actions that happen often and irritate the speaker (+ always) You're always telling lies about me! I don't like it. Negative form I'm not studing very hard now. Subject + am/are/is + (not) + verb-ing Interrogative form Am/are/is + subject + verb-ing? Are you studing for the test? Present simple Subject + verb (base form) We use it to talk about: 1) Things that are always or generally true Some planets have many moons. 2) Habits and routines (+ sometimes, never, always, rarely etc.) I rarely go to the cinema. 3) Actions described by stative verbs (like, enjoy, believe etc.) I don't believe that. Negative form Subject doesn't/don't+ infinitive I don't like videogames. Interrogative form Does/do + Subject + inifinitive?...

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Didascalia alternativa:

Do you like horror books? Present continuous Subject+ am/are/is + verb + ing We use it to talk about: 1) Temporary actions happening at or around the present time I'm reading the newspaper right now. 2) Changing situation The world is getting warmer fastly. 3) Actions that happen often and irritate the speaker (+ always) You're always telling lies about me! I don't like it. Negative form I'm not studing very hard now. Subject + am/are/is + (not) + verb-ing Interrogative form Am/are/is + subject + verb-ing? Are you studing for the test? Present perfect Subject+ have/has + past participle verb+-ed irregular past participle We use it to talk about: 1) Actions that began in the past and continue to the present You've been my greatest friend. 2) Expressions that contain like the first/second time etc. It's the fourth time you've seen that movie! 3) Expressions that contain for and since She's lived there for 10 years since 2013. 4) Expressions that contain adverbs like just, already, ever, néver or yet. I've already finished homework. He hasn't studied yet. We've never been in Portugal. my Negative form Subject + have/has +not+ past participle I haven't been very happy recently. Interrogative form (How long, have... ever....) Have/has+ Subject + past participle ? swum in a lake? Has she ever How long have you lived in Istanbul ? Present perfect Subject+ have/has + past participle verb+-ed irregular past participle We use it to talk about: 1) Actions that began in the past and continue to the present You've been my greatest friend. 2) Expressions that contain like the first/second time etc. It's the fourth time you've seen that movie! 3) Expressions that contain for and since She's lived there for 10 years since 2013. 4) Expressions that contain adverbs like just, already, ever, néver or yet. I've already finished homework. He hasn't studied yet. We've never been in Portugal. my Negative form Subject + have/has +not+ past participle I haven't been very happy recently. Interrogative form (How long, have... ever....) Have/has+ Subject + past participle ? swum in a lake? Has she ever How long have you lived in Istanbul ? Past simple (When, in, last......ago etc.) verb+-ed Subject + past simple irregular We use it to talk about: past simple 1) Completed actions and situations in the past I bought a guitar last year. 2) Actions that happen one after another When you arrived they started to eat. 3) Repeated past actions When I was 10, I played volleyball every day. Negative form Subject + didn't+ infinitive She didn't meet me yesterday. Interrogative form Did+ Subject + inifinitive? Did you like music as a child? Past continuous (while, when, as) Subject+ was/were + verb-ing We use it to talk about: 1) A background information or to describe something when other things happen Some people at the party were already dancing. 2) Incomplete action when another action happened The train left when they were talking. Negative form I wasn't sleeping Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing when the phone rang Interrogative form. Was/were + Subject + verb-ing? they talking during the lesson? Were Past simple (When, in, last......ago etc.) verb+-ed Subject + past simple irregular We use it to talk about: past simple 1) Completed actions and situations in the past I bought a guitar last year. 2) Actions that happen one after another When you arrived they started to eat. 3) Repeated past actions When I was 10, I played volleyball every day. Negative form Subject + didn't+ infinitive She didn't meet me yesterday. Interrogative form Did+ Subject + inifinitive? Did you like music as a child? Past continuous (while, when, as) Subject+ was/were + verb-ing We use it to talk about: 1) A background information or to describe something when other things happen Some people at the party were already dancing. 2) Incomplete action when another action happened The train left when they were talking. Negative form I wasn't sleeping Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing when the phone rang Interrogative form. Was/were + Subject + verb-ing? they talking during the lesson? Were Past perfect (after, before, already....) Subject+ had + past participle We use it to: 1) Emphasize that one past action finished before another past action She had already gone when Lucy arrived. I didn't get to school on time because I'd missed the bus. Negative form Subject +(hadn't) + past participle I hadn't worked Interrogative form Had + Subject + past participle ? Had you worked? Used to + infinitive Used to We use it to talk about: 1) Situation, habits and routines that were true in the past but are not true any more She used to eat meat We used to see Emily every day. Negative form Subject didn't use to + infinitive I didn't use to read a lot. Interrogative form Did + Subject + used to + infinitive ? Did you use to eat meat? Past perfect (after, before, already....) Subject+ had + past participle We use it to: 1) Emphasize that one past action finished before another past action She had already gone when Lucy arrived. I didn't get to school on time because I'd missed the bus. Negative form Subject +(hadn't) + past participle I hadn't worked Interrogative form Had + Subject + past participle ? Had you worked? Used to + infinitive Used to We use it to talk about: 1) Situation, habits and routines that were true in the past but are not true any more She used to eat meat We used to see Emily every day. Negative form Subject didn't use to + infinitive I didn't use to read a lot. Interrogative form Did + Subject + used to + infinitive ? Did you use to eat meat?