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Discover the Modal Verb 'Can': Rules, Forms, and Examples for Kids




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Present Simple

Discover the Modal Verb 'Can': Rules, Forms, and Examples for Kids

The English language has several key components that work together to create meaningful communication, with modal verbs and tenses playing crucial roles in expressing abilities, possibilities, and time relationships.

The modal verb Verbo can is essential for expressing ability and possibility in English. In its basic form, it follows the Verbo can regola where 'can' is followed by the base form of the main verb. This Verbi modali doesn't change form for different subjects and can be used in Present Simple statements, questions, and negative forms. For example, "I can swim" (affirmative), "Can you dance?" (interrogative), and "He cannot/can't sing" (negative). The Verbo can forma interrogativa is formed by placing 'can' at the beginning of the sentence, while the Verbo can forma negativa e interrogativa adds 'not' or uses the contraction 'can't'.

The Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses are fundamental for expressing regular actions and ongoing activities. The Present simple forma affermativa follows subject + verb (+ s/es for third person singular), while the Present simple forma negativa uses 'do not/don't' or 'does not/doesn't'. Come si forma il present simple involves understanding these basic patterns and their applications. Adverbs play a significant role in modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Avverbi di modo describe how actions are performed, while Avverbi di tempo indicate when actions occur. Aggettivi qualificativi describe qualities of nouns, and when combined with adverbs (avverbio + aggettivo esempi), they can create more detailed descriptions. Aggettivi indefiniti are used to refer to nonspecific quantities or qualities, adding another layer of meaning to sentences. Understanding these elements and how they work together is crucial for mastering English grammar and communication.




Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Understanding the Modal Verb Can and Its Uses

The Verbo can in tutte le forme is a fundamental modal verb in English that expresses ability, permission, and possibility. Understanding its proper usage is essential for effective communication.

Definition: Can is a modal auxiliary verb used to express ability, permission, possibility, or requests.

The Verbo can regola follows a simple structure in different forms. In affirmative sentences, 'can' remains unchanged regardless of the subject (I/you/he/she/it/we/they can). For negative forms, we add 'not' after can (can't or cannot). The interrogative form is created by inverting can and the subject.

When using adverbs and qualifiers with can, they typically appear at the end of the sentence. Common modifiers include quite well, really well, very well, and not very well. For expressing complete lack of ability, we use "at all" (e.g., "He can't swim at all").


  • Affirmative: I can speak English
  • Negative: I can't speak French
  • Interrogative: Can you drive a car?
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Present Simple and Its Applications

The Present simple forma affermativa is used to express regular actions, habits, and general truths. This tense follows specific rules for third-person singular subjects (he/she/it), where we add -s or -es to the base verb.

Highlight: The Present Simple is essential for describing:

  • Daily routines
  • General facts
  • Permanent situations
  • Scheduled events

The Present simple forma negativa requires the auxiliary verb 'don't/doesn't' followed by the base form of the main verb. For third-person singular, we use 'doesn't' but remove the -s from the main verb.

Understanding Come si forma il present simple involves recognizing its various components:

  • Base form of verb for I/you/we/they
  • Adding -s/-es for he/she/it
  • Using do/does for questions and negatives
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Present Continuous and Time Expressions

The Present continuous expresses actions happening now or around the present time. It's formed using the present tense of 'be' (am/is/are) plus the -ing form of the main verb.

Vocabulary: Key time expressions used with Present Continuous:

  • at the moment
  • right now
  • this week/month/year
  • these days

When comparing Present Simple versus Present Continuous, remember that Present Simple describes habitual actions while Present Continuous shows temporary or ongoing actions.

The distinction between dynamic and stative verbs is crucial. Dynamic verbs can be used in both tenses, while stative verbs (like love, know, believe) typically only use Present Simple.


  • Present Simple: I work in London (permanent situation)
  • Present Continuous: I'm working from home this week (temporary situation)
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Unit 3: Modal Verb Can

This section focuses on the usage and conjugation of the modal verb "can" in English.

The modal verb "can" is used to express ability or capability in English. It follows a specific conjugation pattern for affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

Definition: Can is an auxiliary modal verb used to talk about ability or capability.

Conjugation of "can":

  • Affirmative: I can, You can, He/She/It can, We can, You can, They can
  • Negative: I can't, You can't, He/She/It can't, We can't, You can't, They can't
  • Interrogative: Can I...?, Can you...?, Can he/she/it...?, Can we...?, Can you...?, Can they...?

Example: "Can you speak French?" "Yes, I can." / "No, I can't."

The section also covers adverbs and qualifiers used with "can":

  • Quite, really, very, and not very are placed before "well"
  • "At all" is used to express complete lack of ability

Highlight: Adverbial expressions indicating the level of ability are always placed at the end of the sentence.

Additional concepts covered:

  • Use of "both" and "neither" for expressing shared abilities or inabilities
  • Adjective order in English sentences, including rules for placement of qualitative, general, and specific adjectives

Example: "a beautiful, old, Japanese vase" demonstrates the correct adjective order in English.

Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.


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Discover the Modal Verb 'Can': Rules, Forms, and Examples for Kids

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The English language has several key components that work together to create meaningful communication, with modal verbs and tenses playing crucial roles in expressing abilities, possibilities, and time relationships.

The modal verb Verbo can is essential for expressing ability and possibility in English. In its basic form, it follows the Verbo can regola where 'can' is followed by the base form of the main verb. This Verbi modali doesn't change form for different subjects and can be used in Present Simple statements, questions, and negative forms. For example, "I can swim" (affirmative), "Can you dance?" (interrogative), and "He cannot/can't sing" (negative). The Verbo can forma interrogativa is formed by placing 'can' at the beginning of the sentence, while the Verbo can forma negativa e interrogativa adds 'not' or uses the contraction 'can't'.

The Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses are fundamental for expressing regular actions and ongoing activities. The Present simple forma affermativa follows subject + verb (+ s/es for third person singular), while the Present simple forma negativa uses 'do not/don't' or 'does not/doesn't'. Come si forma il present simple involves understanding these basic patterns and their applications. Adverbs play a significant role in modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Avverbi di modo describe how actions are performed, while Avverbi di tempo indicate when actions occur. Aggettivi qualificativi describe qualities of nouns, and when combined with adverbs (avverbio + aggettivo esempi), they can create more detailed descriptions. Aggettivi indefiniti are used to refer to nonspecific quantities or qualities, adding another layer of meaning to sentences. Understanding these elements and how they work together is crucial for mastering English grammar and communication.









Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Understanding the Modal Verb Can and Its Uses

The Verbo can in tutte le forme is a fundamental modal verb in English that expresses ability, permission, and possibility. Understanding its proper usage is essential for effective communication.

Definition: Can is a modal auxiliary verb used to express ability, permission, possibility, or requests.

The Verbo can regola follows a simple structure in different forms. In affirmative sentences, 'can' remains unchanged regardless of the subject (I/you/he/she/it/we/they can). For negative forms, we add 'not' after can (can't or cannot). The interrogative form is created by inverting can and the subject.

When using adverbs and qualifiers with can, they typically appear at the end of the sentence. Common modifiers include quite well, really well, very well, and not very well. For expressing complete lack of ability, we use "at all" (e.g., "He can't swim at all").


  • Affirmative: I can speak English
  • Negative: I can't speak French
  • Interrogative: Can you drive a car?
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Present Simple and Its Applications

The Present simple forma affermativa is used to express regular actions, habits, and general truths. This tense follows specific rules for third-person singular subjects (he/she/it), where we add -s or -es to the base verb.

Highlight: The Present Simple is essential for describing:

  • Daily routines
  • General facts
  • Permanent situations
  • Scheduled events

The Present simple forma negativa requires the auxiliary verb 'don't/doesn't' followed by the base form of the main verb. For third-person singular, we use 'doesn't' but remove the -s from the main verb.

Understanding Come si forma il present simple involves recognizing its various components:

  • Base form of verb for I/you/we/they
  • Adding -s/-es for he/she/it
  • Using do/does for questions and negatives
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Present Continuous and Time Expressions

The Present continuous expresses actions happening now or around the present time. It's formed using the present tense of 'be' (am/is/are) plus the -ing form of the main verb.

Vocabulary: Key time expressions used with Present Continuous:

  • at the moment
  • right now
  • this week/month/year
  • these days

When comparing Present Simple versus Present Continuous, remember that Present Simple describes habitual actions while Present Continuous shows temporary or ongoing actions.

The distinction between dynamic and stative verbs is crucial. Dynamic verbs can be used in both tenses, while stative verbs (like love, know, believe) typically only use Present Simple.


  • Present Simple: I work in London (permanent situation)
  • Present Continuous: I'm working from home this week (temporary situation)
Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Unit 3: Modal Verb Can

This section focuses on the usage and conjugation of the modal verb "can" in English.

The modal verb "can" is used to express ability or capability in English. It follows a specific conjugation pattern for affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

Definition: Can is an auxiliary modal verb used to talk about ability or capability.

Conjugation of "can":

  • Affirmative: I can, You can, He/She/It can, We can, You can, They can
  • Negative: I can't, You can't, He/She/It can't, We can't, You can't, They can't
  • Interrogative: Can I...?, Can you...?, Can he/she/it...?, Can we...?, Can you...?, Can they...?

Example: "Can you speak French?" "Yes, I can." / "No, I can't."

The section also covers adverbs and qualifiers used with "can":

  • Quite, really, very, and not very are placed before "well"
  • "At all" is used to express complete lack of ability

Highlight: Adverbial expressions indicating the level of ability are always placed at the end of the sentence.

Additional concepts covered:

  • Use of "both" and "neither" for expressing shared abilities or inabilities
  • Adjective order in English sentences, including rules for placement of qualitative, general, and specific adjectives

Example: "a beautiful, old, Japanese vase" demonstrates the correct adjective order in English.

Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Unit3 Modal verb Can
Can, è un verbo ausiliare modale, e si usa per parlare di abilità o capacità.

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Knowunity è stata inserita in un articolo di Apple ed è costantemente in cima alle classifiche degli app store nella categoria istruzione in Germania, Italia, Polonia, Svizzera e Regno Unito. Unisciti a Knowunity oggi stesso e aiuta milioni di studenti in tutto il mondo.

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