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Learn Present Simple and Continuous Easily with Fun Examples!


Learn Present Simple and Continuous Easily with Fun Examples!
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Nota di studio verificata

Il Present Simple in inglese: usi, regole e avverbi di frequenza

• Il Present Simple è un tempo verbale fondamentale in inglese, utilizzato per esprimere situazioni permanenti, abitudini regolari, fatti universali ed eventi programmati.
• La sua formazione varia in base al soggetto, con regole specifiche per la terza persona singolare.
• Gli avverbi di frequenza giocano un ruolo importante nell'uso del Present Simple, indicando quanto spesso si verifica un'azione.



si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari


Present Simple: Spelling Rules for Third-Person Singular

This page delves into the specific spelling rules for forming the third-person singular in the Present Simple tense. These rules are essential for correctly conjugating verbs when the subject is he, she, or it.

  1. For most verbs, simply add 's':

    • play → plays
    • sing → sings
  2. For verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, or -z, add 'es':

    • kiss → kisses
    • wash → washes
    • watch → watches
    • fix → fixes
    • go → goes
    • buzz → buzzes
  3. For verbs ending in a consonant + y, change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es':

    • study → studies
    • try → tries
  4. For verbs ending in a vowel + y, simply add 's':

    • play → plays
    • say → says

Vocabulary: Base form - The simplest form of a verb, without any endings added.

Example: The verb "study" changes to "studies" in the third-person singular, while "play" simply becomes "plays".

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari


Present Simple: Negative Form and Questions

This page covers the formation of negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense, as well as how to provide short answers to yes/no questions.

Negative Form:

  • For I, you, we, they: Subject + don't + verb in base form
  • For he, she, it: Subject + doesn't + verb in base form

Example: I don't play tennis. / She doesn't play tennis.

Questions and Short Answers: To form questions, use the following structure: Do/Does + subject + verb in base form

Highlight: In questions, even with he, she, or it as the subject, the main verb remains in its base form without adding 's'.

Example: Does he read magazines?

Short answers follow this pattern:

  • Affirmative: Yes + subject + do/does
  • Negative: No + subject + don't/doesn't

Example: Q: Does he read magazines? A: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

Vocabulary: Base form - The simplest form of a verb, without any endings added.

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari


Frequency Adverbs in Present Simple

This page discusses the use and placement of frequency adverbs in Present Simple sentences, which are crucial for expressing how often actions occur.

Common frequency adverbs include:

  • Always (sempre)
  • Usually (di solito)
  • Often (spesso)
  • Generally (generalmente)
  • Sometimes (a volte)
  • Rarely/Seldom (raramente)
  • Hardly ever (quasi mai)
  • Never (mai)

Highlight: Frequency adverbs are typically placed between the subject and the main verb in a sentence.

Example: I often go to the gym. / She usually drinks coffee in the morning.

Special cases:

  1. "Never" is used in affirmative sentences to express a negative meaning.

    Example: I've never watched this film.

  2. "Ever" is used in questions to ask about experiences.

    Example: Have you ever watched this film?

Vocabulary: Frequency adverbs - Words that describe how often an action occurs.

Quote: "Never say never." - This common phrase playfully uses the frequency adverb "never" to suggest that absolutes are rare in life.

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari


Present Simple: Formation and Usage

The Present Simple tense is essential for expressing habitual actions, general truths, and scheduled events in English. This page outlines its primary uses and the basic structure for affirmative sentences.

Definition: The Present Simple is used for situations that are permanent, happen regularly, represent true facts, or are scheduled events.

The affirmative form of the Present Simple follows a simple structure:

  • For most subjects: Subject + verb in base form
  • For third-person singular (he, she, it): Subject + verb + 's' at the end

Example: I play tennis. (base form) Example: She plays tennis. (third-person singular)

It's important to note that there are exceptions to these rules, particularly for third-person singular forms, which will be explored on the next page.

Highlight: The Present Simple is crucial for describing routines, facts, and timeless truths.

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Learn Present Simple and Continuous Easily with Fun Examples!

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169 Follower


Nota di studio verificata

Il Present Simple in inglese: usi, regole e avverbi di frequenza

• Il Present Simple è un tempo verbale fondamentale in inglese, utilizzato per esprimere situazioni permanenti, abitudini regolari, fatti universali ed eventi programmati.
• La sua formazione varia in base al soggetto, con regole specifiche per la terza persona singolare.
• Gli avverbi di frequenza giocano un ruolo importante nell'uso del Present Simple, indicando quanto spesso si verifica un'azione.








si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari

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Present Simple: Spelling Rules for Third-Person Singular

This page delves into the specific spelling rules for forming the third-person singular in the Present Simple tense. These rules are essential for correctly conjugating verbs when the subject is he, she, or it.

  1. For most verbs, simply add 's':

    • play → plays
    • sing → sings
  2. For verbs ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, or -z, add 'es':

    • kiss → kisses
    • wash → washes
    • watch → watches
    • fix → fixes
    • go → goes
    • buzz → buzzes
  3. For verbs ending in a consonant + y, change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es':

    • study → studies
    • try → tries
  4. For verbs ending in a vowel + y, simply add 's':

    • play → plays
    • say → says

Vocabulary: Base form - The simplest form of a verb, without any endings added.

Example: The verb "study" changes to "studies" in the third-person singular, while "play" simply becomes "plays".

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari

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Present Simple: Negative Form and Questions

This page covers the formation of negative sentences and questions in the Present Simple tense, as well as how to provide short answers to yes/no questions.

Negative Form:

  • For I, you, we, they: Subject + don't + verb in base form
  • For he, she, it: Subject + doesn't + verb in base form

Example: I don't play tennis. / She doesn't play tennis.

Questions and Short Answers: To form questions, use the following structure: Do/Does + subject + verb in base form

Highlight: In questions, even with he, she, or it as the subject, the main verb remains in its base form without adding 's'.

Example: Does he read magazines?

Short answers follow this pattern:

  • Affirmative: Yes + subject + do/does
  • Negative: No + subject + don't/doesn't

Example: Q: Does he read magazines? A: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

Vocabulary: Base form - The simplest form of a verb, without any endings added.

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari

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Frequency Adverbs in Present Simple

This page discusses the use and placement of frequency adverbs in Present Simple sentences, which are crucial for expressing how often actions occur.

Common frequency adverbs include:

  • Always (sempre)
  • Usually (di solito)
  • Often (spesso)
  • Generally (generalmente)
  • Sometimes (a volte)
  • Rarely/Seldom (raramente)
  • Hardly ever (quasi mai)
  • Never (mai)

Highlight: Frequency adverbs are typically placed between the subject and the main verb in a sentence.

Example: I often go to the gym. / She usually drinks coffee in the morning.

Special cases:

  1. "Never" is used in affirmative sentences to express a negative meaning.

    Example: I've never watched this film.

  2. "Ever" is used in questions to ask about experiences.

    Example: Have you ever watched this film?

Vocabulary: Frequency adverbs - Words that describe how often an action occurs.

Quote: "Never say never." - This common phrase playfully uses the frequency adverb "never" to suggest that absolutes are rare in life.

si usa:
-situazioni permanenti
-situazioni che accadono
-fatti veri
-eventi stabiliti da orari

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Present Simple: Formation and Usage

The Present Simple tense is essential for expressing habitual actions, general truths, and scheduled events in English. This page outlines its primary uses and the basic structure for affirmative sentences.

Definition: The Present Simple is used for situations that are permanent, happen regularly, represent true facts, or are scheduled events.

The affirmative form of the Present Simple follows a simple structure:

  • For most subjects: Subject + verb in base form
  • For third-person singular (he, she, it): Subject + verb + 's' at the end

Example: I play tennis. (base form) Example: She plays tennis. (third-person singular)

It's important to note that there are exceptions to these rules, particularly for third-person singular forms, which will be explored on the next page.

Highlight: The Present Simple is crucial for describing routines, facts, and timeless truths.

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