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phrasal verbs







Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb
abide by
account for
add up
advise against
agree with
allow for
appeal to
appeal to
apply for
back away
back down
back up


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Phrasal Verb abide by account for add up advise against agree with allow for appeal to appeal to apply for back away back down back up LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Rispettare o obbedire a una decisione, una legge o una regola Spiegare, dire una ragione Dare un senso, sembra ragionevole Raccomandare di non fare qualcosa Avere la stessa opinione di qualcun altro. Prendere in considerazione Fare una richiesta Essere attraente o interessante Fare una richiesta formale di qualcosa (lavoro, messo, prestito ecc.) Andare indietro, nella paura o nell'amarezza Ritirarsi, concedere la sconfitta Dare supporto o incoraggiamento If f you want to keep your job here, you must abide by our rules. I hope you can account for the time you were out! The facts in the case just don't add up. I advise against walking alone in this neighborhood. I agree with you. I think you should go as well. We need to allow for unexpected charges along the way. He appealed to the court to change its decision. A vacation of sunbathing doesn't appeal to me. He applied for a scholarship for next semester. When he saw the bear, he backed away in fright. Local authorities backed down on their threats to build on that part of the beach. I'm going to be very strict with him. I hope you'll backme up on this? Phrasal Verb back up bank on black out block off blow up blow up boil down to boot up break away break down break down break into LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo...

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Didascalia alternativa:

giusto! Significato Esempio Fare una copia di (file, programma, ecc.) Basare le tue speranze su qualcosa / qualcuno Svenire, perdere conoscenza Separare usando una barriera. Esplodere Arrabbiarsi Essere riassunti come Avviare un computer caricando un sistema oativo o un programma Separarsi da una folla Andare fuori servizio, smettere di funzionare Perdere il controllo delle proprie emozioni Entrare con la forza You should back up all your computer files in a secure location. I'm banking on you to help with the charity event. Jenna fell in the parking lot and blacked out. The police blocked off the street after the explosion. Tommy blew up the red balloon. Don't blow up at me. It's not my fault. It all boils down to who has more power. You need to boot up your computer before you begin to work. One of the wolves broke away from his pack. The washing machine broke down so we had to call in the repair technician. John broke down when he heard the news. Burglars broke into my car last night. Phrasal Verb break out break out of break up bring up brush up on bump into burn out burn out call back call off calm down carry on LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Iniziare improvvisamente Fuggire da un posto con la forza Finire (matrimonio, relazione) Allevare (un bambino) Migliorare, aggiornare la propria conoscenza di qualcosa Incontrarsi a caso o inaspettatamente Diventare esausti da un eccesso di lavoro (esaurirsi) Richiamare Cancellare Diventare più rilassato, meno arrabbiato o sconvolto Rioting broke out after the government raised the fuel prices again. Continuare Several prisoners broke out of jail. Smettere di funzionare (qualcosa) The light bulb burnt out. Please change it. She broke up with Daniel after dating him for five years. Sara is bringing up her children by herself. I must brush up on my French before going to Paris next month. I bumped into Adam at the bank. He says "hello". She needs to work fewer hours. Otherwise she will burn out. Could please call back in ten minutes? The game was called off because of bad weather. It took Kylie several hours to calm down after she saw the accident. The soldiers carried on walking in order to get to their post before dark. Phrasal Verb carry out carry out check in check out check out clam up clamp down on come across come across come forward count on LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Fare qualcosa come specificato (un piano, un ordine, una minaccia) Sseguire o condurre (testare, sperimentare) Registrarsi (in un hotel o in un aeroporto) Pagare il conto e andare via (un hotel) Investigare Rifiutare di parlare Agire rigorosamente, prevenire qualcosa Trovare per caso Apparire, sembrare, fare un'impressione Presentarsi Contare o dipendere da (aiuto) His orders were carried out to the letter. That company does not carry out tests on animals. They said I must check in at least three hours before my flight. Donna checked out of the hotel this morning. I don't know if this price is correct. I'll check it outonline. When the police started asking questions, the suspect clammed up. The local authorities have decided to clamp down onillegal parking in handicapped parking places. I was cleaning up and came across some old photos of you. The politician came across as a complete fool during the TV interview. Has the owner of the winning lotto ticket come forward? You can count on me to keep your secret. Phrasal Verb cut down on cut out cut out deal with die down do without drag on draw up dress up drop in drop off drop off LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Ridurre il numero o la dimensione Rimuovere usando le forbici (tagliare) Smettere di fare qualcosa Gestire, prendersi cura di (problema, situazione) Calmare, diventare meno forti Gestire senza Durare più del previsto Scrivere (contratto, accordo, documento) Indossare abiti eleganti Visitare, di solito sulla strada per andare da qualche altra parte Consegnare qualcuno o qualcosa Addormentarsi I've decided to cut down on the amount of sweets I eat. She cut out a coupon from the newspa. You need to cut out all red meat from your diet. Catherine is not good at dealing with stress. After the storm died down, we went outside to see the damage it had caused. She didn't get a salary this month, so she'll have to do without extra treats. The suspect's trial dragged on longer than we had expected! They drew up a contract and had me sign it. Their wedding gave us a chance to dress up and get out of the house. Why don't you drop in to see us on your way home? I'll drop off the paper later today. I often drop off in front of the TV. Phrasal Verb drop out ease off end in end up fall through figure out fill out find out focus on get along (with) get at LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Lasciare la scuola senza finire Ridurre, diventare meno severi o rallentare (dolore, traffico, lavoro) Finire in un certo modo; risultato in Raggiungere finalmente uno stato, un luogo o un'azione Fallire; non succede Capire, trovare la risposta Completare (un modulo / un'applicazione) Scoprire o ottenere informazioni Concentrarsi su qualcosa Essere in buoni rapporti; funziona bene con Implicare Zack dropped out of college and joined the army. Traffic usually eases off about 7pm Her marriage ended in divorce. If you don't improve your work habits, you'll end upbeing fired. His plans to trek through South America fell throughwhen he got sick. He's trying to figure out how to earn enough money to go on the trip to Spain. Please fill out the enclosed form and return it as soon as possible. I'm going to to find out who's responsible for the power cut. Tom had difficultty focusing on work the day before his holiday started. It's important to get along with your team suvisor. What are you getting at? Do you think I'm to blame? Phrasal Verb get away get by get in get into (+sostantivo) get off get off get on get on with (something) get on (well) with (somebody) get out get out of get over get rid of LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Scappare Riuscire a far fronte o sopravvivere Entrare Entrare Partire (autobus, treno, aereo) Rimuovere Salire a bordo (bus, treno, aereo) Continuare a fare; fare progressi Avere un buon rapporto con Lasciare Evitare di fare qualcosa Riprendersi, recuperare da (malattia, delusione) Eliminare, liberarsi di I think we should get away for the weekend. Students without jobs have a hard time getting by. When did you get in last night? How did you get into your car without the keys? You should get off the train in Kings Heath. I can't get the ink stain off my shirt. I'm trying to get on the flight to Brussels. After they split up, she had a hard time getting on withher life. He doesnt get on very well with the other members of the committee. He had a hard time getting out of Newark because of the snow? Edna's trying to get out of working the night shift. Has she gotten over the flu? Please get rid of that old t-shirt. It's so ragged. Phrasal Verb get together get up give in give in give up go through grow up hand in hand out hang out hang up LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Incontrarsi Alzarsi, lasciare il letto Cessare l'opposizione; dare la precedenza Consegnare; Sottomettere (qualcosa) Smettere di fare qualcosa Provare Trascorrere la propria infanzia; crescere; diventare un adulto Inviare (rapporto, compiti a casa) Distribuire Let's get together for your birthday on Saturday. Terminare una conversazione telefonica, riagganciare Will you please get up? You've got a class in 20 minutes. We will never give in to the terrorists' demands. I'll give in my pa tomorrow. Morris gave up drinking 10 years ago. Andy went through a lot of pain after his mother died. He's like Peter Pan. He never really grew up at all. Please hand in your pas before Friday. Susan volunteered at the shelter where she handed outwarm clothes. Trascorrere del tempo in un luogo Which pub does the team hang particolare o con un gruppo di out at after the game? amici If you hang up now, I'll never speak to you again. Phrasal Verb hold on give in hurry up iron out join in join up join up keep on keep up with kick off leave out LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Aspettare Afferrare saldamente Risolvere con con il dialogo, eliminare le differenze Partecipare Essere veloce, agire rapidamente Hurry up and finish your lunch or we'll miss the train. Incontrare e unirsi con Continuare a fare qualcosa Rimanere allo stesso livello di qualcuno o qualcosa, tenersi aggiornati Please hold on and a representative will answer your Iniziare, cominciare call. Partecipare, diventare un membro There was a war on, so some kids di were only sixteen when they joined up. Omettere, non parlare She was so scared on the rollercoaster ride that she held on for dear life. The two countries met at the conference to iron out their differences. Yes David, you can join in the discussion any time you like. Let's separate now and join up later at the restaurant. If you keep on making that noise I will get annoyed. I read the newspaper every day to keep up with the news. The rugby match kicked off at 3 o'clock. Please check your form again and make sure nothing is left out. Phrasal Verb let down look after look down on look on look for look forward to look up to make fun of make up mix up move in move out Significato Deludere Prendersi cura di Considerare come inferiori Essere spettatori di un evento Cercare di trovare qualcosa Aspettare o attendere con piacere Ammirare Ridere / fare battute su Inventare (scusa, storia) Scambiare una cosa o una persona con un'altra Arrivare in una nuova casa o in ufficio Lasciare la tua casa / ufficio per un altro. Esempio I feel so let down because they promised me a puppy but all I got was a doll. Andy can you look after your sister until I get back? She's such a snob. She always looks down on anyone who is poor. If you don't want to take part in the game you can look on for now. Harry went to the shop to look for a new computer. I'm looking forward to my birthday. It's in two days time. I always looked up to my father. He was a great man. It's not nice to make fun of people in wheelchairs. That's a good excuse. Did you make up it up yourself? She had so many cats that she kept mixing up their names. Did you hear? Our new neighbors are moving in this afternoon. When are you moving out? We need your office for the new guy. Phrasal Verb nod off own up pass away pass out pay back put off put on put out put up pick up point out rely on LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Addormentarsi Ammettere o confessare qualcosa Morire Svenire Rimborsare Posticipare, organizza una data successiva Accendere Spegnere, estinguere Accogliere, dare a qualcuno un letto Recuperare qualcuno (dare un passaggio) Indicare / dirigere l'attenzione su qualcosa Contare, fare affidamentio, dipendere da, fidarsi You were so tired after the game that you nodded off on the couch. Come on. Own up. We know you did it! Your grandfather passed away peacefully in his sleep last night. He didn't drink enough water so he passed out at the end of the race. I'll pay you back as soon as I get the loan. Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can do today. It's very dark in here. Please put on the light on. The fire fighters were able to put out fire in ten minutes. I can put you up until the weekend but then I'm going away. I'll pick you up at around 7:00 to take you to the airport. As I already pointed out, there was a mistake in your calculation. You can rely on me. I always arrive on time. Phrasal Verb rule out run away run into run out of set off set up shop around show off show up shut up (impolite) sit down stand up LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Eliminare Fuggire da un posto o partire all'improvviso Incontrarsi caso o inaspettatamente (anche: imbattersi) Non avere più di qualcosa. Iniziare un viaggio; Avviare un'attività Confrontare i prezzi Vantarsi o voler essere ammirato Apparire / arrivare Tacere, smettere di parlare Sedersi Alzarsi da una posizione seduta Since he had a sound alibi, the police ruled him out as a suspect. He ran away from home and joined the circus. I'm so glad I ran into you. I need to ask you something. We've run out of milk. I'll just pop next door to borrow some. Let's set off early to miss the rush hour traffic. They set up their own company when they were still in high school. Don't buy that. Let's shop around and see if we can find something chea. He's such a show off. He has to tell everybody about his new computer. I don't think she'll show up tonight. Her daughter is sick. Shut up, you're spoiling the movie! I think you should sit down. It's bad news. The whole stadium stood up for the national anthem. Phrasal Verb stick up for take after take care of take off take on take out tell off think over try on turn down use up watch out LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Difendere Assomigliare, in aspetto o carattere Prendersi cura Decollare Rimuovere; tirare fuori; estrarre Rimproverare / criticare severamente Considerare Assumere o ingaggiare personale I hear they're taking on extra staff for this event. Indossare qualcosa per prova (provare vestiti o scarpe) Rifiutare Finire un prodotto (in modo che non ne sia rimasto niente) My big brother always stuck up for me when I got into a fight. Stare attenti Angie really takes after her grandmother. Please take care of my cat when I'm away. The plane will take off as soon as the fog lifts. Please take out your mobile phones and turn them off. The coach told her off for not trying hard enough. Take your time and think it over before you decide. Go ahead, try it on and see if it fits? I asked her out but she turned me down flat. Your parents used up all the coffee! Watch out! There's a dog in the road. Phrasal Verb wear out wear out work out work out wipe off LONDRA TODAY Vivere e visitare Londra e il Regno Unito nel modo giusto! Significato Esempio Diventare inutilizzabile Diventare molto stanco Fare esercizio fisico Trovare una soluzione o calcolare qualcosa Pulire (tavola, tavolo). Julie wore out her shoes running the marathons. Julie was worn out after all that running. You should work out twice a week at the gym. Can you work this out? I'm no good at math. I'll wash up if you wipe off the table.