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man and nature :Romanticism







Man and nature
NATURE is an important feature of the
Romantic age. The subordination of nature to
the self


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Man and nature
NATURE is an important feature of the
Romantic age. The subordination of nature to
the self


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Man and nature
NATURE is an important feature of the
Romantic age. The subordination of nature to
the self


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Man and nature
NATURE is an important feature of the
Romantic age. The subordination of nature to
the self


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Man and nature THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAN AND NATURE is an important feature of the Romantic age. The subordination of nature to the self is emphasized in the new concept of the sublime, expounded by Edmund Burke, he argued that the sublime is not a characteristic of nature, but a particular way of perceiving and interpreting it. The ideas of German idealism, where the concept of nature consisted in the passage from the inorganic to the organic state, influenced the literary production of romanticism in which nature can also be dramatic, mysterious and reflect the mood of the poet. wild landscapes or night scenes convey the poet's inner feelings, connecting his soul with the supernatural and the divine, as in the poems of Coleridge, Byron and P.B. Shelley Some romantic writers have developed the concept of nature from a consoling point of view, as in Wordsworth (→ 4.11). Others have portrayed nature as an entity indifferent to the fate of man. Among these we find the Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837) Leopardi has an extremely pessimistic view of it, even calling it "Mother Nature" because despite its beauty it appears indifferent to the sufferings of men. Wordswoth, on the other hand, sees Nature as a consolation, as a refuge In Romanticism, nature also meant an escape from family experiences and the limits of reality. English poets...

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delighted in describing the marvelous and the abnormal William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was born in Cumberland ,near the Scottish border in 1770 He had contacts with revolutionary French and this filled him with enthusiasm for the democratic ideals—-> he hoped that it could lead to a new and just social order The brutal declaration of war between England and France in 1793 brought him to the edge of a nervous breakdown -> he moved to Dorset with his sister Dorothy who was his most faithful friend->she supported his poetry ,she copied down his poems and recorded their life in her journals He met Samuel Coleridge,their friendship was a great resource for Romantic poetry->they produced a collection of poets called "Lyric Ballads", in the 1800 appeared another version which had a preface ,with the manifest of English Romanticism. He also wrote his Lucy poems,between 1798-1801 In 1805 he finished his masterpiece "the prelude" (an autobiographical poem in 14 books) subtitle "Growth of a Poet's Mind The manifesto of English Romanticism he belonged to the first generation of poets. For him, poetry was generated by ordinary and common things, not by extraordinary ones. -In fact, he was against artificial and elevated language, which he called poetic diction. -for him poetry should concern common situations and everyday facts. -The language should be simple -the objects called by common names. He is a man among men.when he and Coleridge wrote the ballads, they decided that they would address themes such as man, nature, and everyday situations trying to make the supernatural seem like something real. Nature for Wordsworth Wordsworth shared Rousseau's faith. He thought that man could achieve that good with his senses and feelings. He was interested in the relationship between the natural world and human consciousness. his poetry offers a detailed account of the complex interaction between man and nature, influences, intuitions, emotions: 1) Wordsworth believed that man and nature were inseparable; man does not exist outside the natural world, but as an active participant in it. 2) In his pantheistic view, Wordsworth saw nature as something that includes both inanimate and human nature: each is part of the same whole. 3) Nature is joy, it comforts man in pain and teaches him to love and act morally. 4) Wordsworth also saw it as the seat of the universe's mighty spirit. The importance of the senses and memory He was influenced by the associationist philosopher David Hartley (1705-57) in his belief that our moral character develops during childhood as a result of the pleasure and pain caused by our physical experiences. Sensations lead to simple thoughts, which then combine into complex and organized ideas.. Memory, therefore, is an important force in the process of growing the poet's mind and moral character, and it is memory that allows Wordsworth to give poetry its life and power. The task and the style of the poet Il poeta ha il compito di un insegnante che mostra agli altri come capire i loro sentimenti e migliorare il loro essere morale Il suo compito consiste nell'attirare l'attenzione sulle cose ordinarie della vita, sulle persone più umili, dove si trovano le emozioni e le verità più profonde. (Style) He abandoned the heroic couplet He used alway blank verse