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Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria

Le lezioni di inglese sul tempo atmosferico offrono una guida completa per descrivere le condizioni meteorologiche in inglese. Il materiale copre domande comuni, vocabolario essenziale e frasi utili per discutere il tempo.

Punti chiave:

  • Introduce domande e risposte di base sul tempo
  • Fornisce traduzione termini meteorologici in inglese per vari tipi di tempo
  • Spiega come descrivere temperature e condizioni estreme
  • Include espressioni aggiuntive per arricchire le conversazioni sul tempo



Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Weather-Related Questions and Answers

This page covers essential questions and answers about il tempo in inglese, providing students with the tools to inquire about and describe weather conditions.

Key questions introduced:

  • "What's the weather like today?"
  • "What's the temperature?"
  • "What's the weather forecast for today?"

The page also provides structure for answers, including:

  • Using "It's" followed by an adjective (e.g., sunny, foggy, windy)
  • Using "It's" with a verb (e.g., raining, snowing)
  • Describing extreme events (e.g., storm, tornado)
  • Expressing temperature in degrees Celsius
  • Describing temperature with adjectives (e.g., cold, warm, freezing)
  • Discussing weather forecasts

Example: To answer "What's the weather like today?", you can say "It's sunny" or "It's raining."

Vocabulary: "Weather forecast" refers to the prediction of upcoming weather conditions.

Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Weather Conditions

This page focuses on tutti i tempi atmosferici in inglese, providing translations and explanations for various weather conditions.

Weather conditions covered:

  • Sunny (Soleggiata)
  • Rainy/raining (piovoso/piovere)
  • Snowy/snowing ("nevoso"/nevicare)
  • Windy ("ventoso")
  • Cloudy (nuvoloso)
  • Foggy ("nebbioloso")

Definition: "Cloudy" describes a sky filled with clouds, potentially blocking sunlight.

Highlight: Some weather conditions, like "rainy" and "snowy," can be used as both adjectives and verbs in English.

Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Temperature Descriptions

This page covers aggettivi del tempo in inglese related to temperature, helping students describe how warm or cold it is.

Temperature adjectives introduced:

  • Hot (massimo del caldo)
  • Warm ("caldino")
  • Mild (temperatura media)
  • Cool ("freddino")
  • Cold (freddo)
  • Freezing (gelo)

The page also explains how to express temperatures in degrees Celsius in English.

Example: To say 25°C in English, you would say "twenty-five degrees."

Vocabulary: "Mild" refers to a moderate or pleasant temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Extreme Weather Events

This page introduces vocabulary for frasi sul tempo meteorologico in inglese related to extreme weather conditions, expanding students' ability to discuss severe weather phenomena.

Extreme weather events covered:

  • Ice (ghiaccio)
  • Flood (allagamento)
  • Drought (siccità)
  • Frost (gelo)
  • Thunder (tuono)
  • Lightning (saetta)
  • Hurricane (uragano/tempesta di vento)
  • Hail (grandine)
  • Storm (tempesta)
  • Tornado (tornado)

Definition: A "drought" is an extended period of unusually low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.

Highlight: Understanding these terms is crucial for comprehending weather reports and discussing climate-related issues in English.

Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria




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Emma Fanetti



il tempo atmosferico in inglese

Additional Weather Expressions

This final page provides tempo atmosferico in inglese schede didattiche with additional expressions to describe weather conditions more vividly.

Expressions introduced:

  • "It's a lovely/horrible/nice day"
  • "The sun is shining" (splendere)
  • "The wind is blowing" (soffiare)
  • "The sky is clear" (limpido)
  • "There are big dark clouds"

Example: To describe a beautiful day, you could say, "It's a lovely day, and the sun is shining brightly."

Vocabulary: "Clear" in the context of "the sky is clear" means free from clouds or haze, resulting in good visibility.

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Scopri il Tempo Atmosferico in Inglese: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria

user profile picture

Emma Fanetti



170 Follower


Le lezioni di inglese sul tempo atmosferico offrono una guida completa per descrivere le condizioni meteorologiche in inglese. Il materiale copre domande comuni, vocabolario essenziale e frasi utili per discutere il tempo.

Punti chiave:

  • Introduce domande e risposte di base sul tempo
  • Fornisce traduzione termini meteorologici in inglese per vari tipi di tempo
  • Spiega come descrivere temperature e condizioni estreme
  • Include espressioni aggiuntive per arricchire le conversazioni sul tempo








Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Weather-Related Questions and Answers

This page covers essential questions and answers about il tempo in inglese, providing students with the tools to inquire about and describe weather conditions.

Key questions introduced:

  • "What's the weather like today?"
  • "What's the temperature?"
  • "What's the weather forecast for today?"

The page also provides structure for answers, including:

  • Using "It's" followed by an adjective (e.g., sunny, foggy, windy)
  • Using "It's" with a verb (e.g., raining, snowing)
  • Describing extreme events (e.g., storm, tornado)
  • Expressing temperature in degrees Celsius
  • Describing temperature with adjectives (e.g., cold, warm, freezing)
  • Discussing weather forecasts

Example: To answer "What's the weather like today?", you can say "It's sunny" or "It's raining."

Vocabulary: "Weather forecast" refers to the prediction of upcoming weather conditions.

Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Weather Conditions

This page focuses on tutti i tempi atmosferici in inglese, providing translations and explanations for various weather conditions.

Weather conditions covered:

  • Sunny (Soleggiata)
  • Rainy/raining (piovoso/piovere)
  • Snowy/snowing ("nevoso"/nevicare)
  • Windy ("ventoso")
  • Cloudy (nuvoloso)
  • Foggy ("nebbioloso")

Definition: "Cloudy" describes a sky filled with clouds, potentially blocking sunlight.

Highlight: Some weather conditions, like "rainy" and "snowy," can be used as both adjectives and verbs in English.

Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Temperature Descriptions

This page covers aggettivi del tempo in inglese related to temperature, helping students describe how warm or cold it is.

Temperature adjectives introduced:

  • Hot (massimo del caldo)
  • Warm ("caldino")
  • Mild (temperatura media)
  • Cool ("freddino")
  • Cold (freddo)
  • Freezing (gelo)

The page also explains how to express temperatures in degrees Celsius in English.

Example: To say 25°C in English, you would say "twenty-five degrees."

Vocabulary: "Mild" refers to a moderate or pleasant temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Extreme Weather Events

This page introduces vocabulary for frasi sul tempo meteorologico in inglese related to extreme weather conditions, expanding students' ability to discuss severe weather phenomena.

Extreme weather events covered:

  • Ice (ghiaccio)
  • Flood (allagamento)
  • Drought (siccità)
  • Frost (gelo)
  • Thunder (tuono)
  • Lightning (saetta)
  • Hurricane (uragano/tempesta di vento)
  • Hail (grandine)
  • Storm (tempesta)
  • Tornado (tornado)

Definition: A "drought" is an extended period of unusually low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.

Highlight: Understanding these terms is crucial for comprehending weather reports and discussing climate-related issues in English.

Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Additional Weather Expressions

This final page provides tempo atmosferico in inglese schede didattiche with additional expressions to describe weather conditions more vividly.

Expressions introduced:

  • "It's a lovely/horrible/nice day"
  • "The sun is shining" (splendere)
  • "The wind is blowing" (soffiare)
  • "The sky is clear" (limpido)
  • "There are big dark clouds"

Example: To describe a beautiful day, you could say, "It's a lovely day, and the sun is shining brightly."

Vocabulary: "Clear" in the context of "the sky is clear" means free from clouds or haze, resulting in good visibility.

Il tempo atmosferico
in inglese
By Emma Fanetti Domanda - Risposta
What's the weather like today?
What's the temperature?
What's the

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Il tempo atmosferico in inglese

This page introduces the topic of il tempo meteorologico in inglese scuola primaria. It sets the stage for learning about weather-related vocabulary and expressions in English, which is essential for young students to describe and discuss weather conditions.

Highlight: The title "Il tempo atmosferico in inglese" indicates that this guide focuses on teaching weather-related English vocabulary to Italian-speaking students.

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