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Imparare i Tempi Passati: Past Simple e Past Continuous in Inglese




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il past simple

Imparare i Tempi Passati: Past Simple e Past Continuous in Inglese

Il Past Simple in inglese: regole, usi e verbi irregolari

• Il Past Simple è un tempo verbale fondamentale per parlare di azioni concluse nel passato
• Si forma aggiungendo -ed ai verbi regolari, mentre i verbi irregolari hanno forme proprie da memorizzare
• Viene utilizzato per descrivere eventi passati, abitudini concluse e azioni di durata definita




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Imparare i Tempi Passati: Past Simple e Past Continuous in Inglese

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Il Past Simple in inglese: regole, usi e verbi irregolari

• Il Past Simple è un tempo verbale fondamentale per parlare di azioni concluse nel passato
• Si forma aggiungendo -ed ai verbi regolari, mentre i verbi irregolari hanno forme proprie da memorizzare
• Viene utilizzato per descrivere eventi passati, abitudini concluse e azioni di durata definita









forma Affermativa
forma base
soggetto +
(infinito senza to).
es I worked
forma Negativa
I didn't work
es Did
Forma Interrogati

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Past Simple Tense Overview

The past simple tense is a fundamental aspect of English grammar, used to describe completed actions in the past. This page provides a comprehensive breakdown of its structure and usage.

Sentence Formation

Affirmative Form

To form affirmative sentences in the past simple, we use the subject followed by the verb in its past tense form. For regular verbs, this typically involves adding '-ed' to the base form.

Example: I worked

Negative Form

Negative sentences in the past simple are formed using 'didn't' (did not) followed by the base form of the verb.

Example: I didn't work

Interrogative Form

Questions are formed by placing 'Did' at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject and the base form of the verb.

Example: Did you work?

Highlight: In questions using interrogative words (What, Why, Who, Where, When, How), 'Did' follows the interrogative word.

Short Answers

Short answers in the past simple use 'did' for affirmative responses and 'didn't' for negative ones.


  • Yes, I did
  • No, I didn't

Irregular Verbs

Many common verbs in English have irregular past tense forms that must be memorized.

Vocabulary: Irregular verbs are those that do not follow the standard '-ed' ending rule in the past tense.

Some frequently used irregular verbs include:

  • be → was/were
  • go → went
  • can → could
  • think → thought
  • ride → rode
  • get → got
  • do → did
  • say → said
  • see → saw
  • take → took
  • have → had
  • come → came

Usage of Past Simple

The past simple is used to:

  1. Talk about actions that happened and concluded in the past
  2. Describe repeated actions in the past
  3. Discuss actions that lasted for a specific period but have now ended

Highlight: When telling a story with a series of past events, expressions like FIRST, THEN, AFTER THAT, and NEXT are often used.

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs in the past simple follow a consistent pattern, typically adding '-ed' to the base form. This ending remains the same for all persons.

Definition: Regular verbs are those that form their past tense by adding '-ed' to the base form of the verb.

Important Note

It's crucial to remember that in negative and interrogative forms, both regular and irregular verbs use 'did/didn't' followed by the base form of the verb.

Highlight: The use of 'did/didn't' in questions and negatives applies to both regular and irregular verbs, simplifying the structure for learners.

This comprehensive guide to the past simple provides students with a solid foundation for expressing past actions and events in English, covering both regular and irregular verb forms, sentence structures, and usage contexts.

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