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Daniel Defoe and Robinson Crusoe







_author : Daniel Defoe London, September 13 AGGO. He studied to become a Presbytarian Minister, but he
abandoned to become a merchant. Th


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_author : Daniel Defoe London, September 13 AGGO. He studied to become a Presbytarian Minister, but he
abandoned to become a merchant. Th


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th _author : Daniel Defoe London, September 13 AGGO. He studied to become a Presbytarian Minister, but he abandoned to become a merchant. Then he became a political writer, sournalist and pamphleeter. Daniel Defoe is considered as the Father of the english novel. the english novel written with the prose narrative form. STORY: based on a real-life adventures of Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who willingly stranded himself on an island in Chile. Is a story about personal growth and Christian valves it is also about colonialism and racism. At the beginning we have the narrator and protagonist (R.c) introduces himself. He left home against his parents advise and Moroccan pirates took him as a slave he escaped and travelled to brazil. →there was a shipwreck and Robinson came to an island and route to Africa he'll live there alone for 23 years. Crusoe then rescued a native captive (friday) and they battled against cannibals. CLIMAX: Crusoe helps an english captain whose crew has muting and returns to England. Robinson learns he has made a fortune from with Friday fighting wild animals in the mountains (France). _He visited his former Island home → population. END: promise of Further adventures 2 sequels. SYMBOLS: gun, tools, boats and Crusoe's calendar post _BOOK: published in 1719. He had success translated into 100 languages. plantation he...

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started in Brazil and he embarks on another voyage CONTEXT: written during the conflict between Protestantism and Catholicism. He was influenced by the Story of Sailor Alexander Selkirk (shoemaker son he ran away when he was a young man. He became a privateer and raded Spanish ships on behalf of the english governament. He fought with his captain and asked to be left on an island (4 ges). →near Chile. Robinson Crusoe was THEMES: Self reliance, civilization, progress, christianity and nature. The further adventures of R.C Serious reflections of R.C Inspired other works: -gulliver's travels -The Swiss family Robinson Lord of the flies. and films. th th - colonialism and racism: began in the 16 century until 20. Robinson Crusoe's island became a microcosm of the British empire language →system of naming- habits religion. THEMES: _self reliance: the hero must rely upon his own wits and courage to survive _altitude of Superiority travelling building his plantation Surviving on the island _civilization : rules and order govern Crusoe's life. He does not recognise that natives have their own civilization insist that Friday give up his cannibal ways, wear clothing and learn english. _Progress: Crusoe comes from Surviving on the island to hunting and farming →→ I makes his own tools and Furniture, domesticates animals, plants crops and established a small colony. - Christianity: R.c relies on God to take care of him but he fears punishment for his past occasions. He finds his quality of life improves as his faith in God becomes stronger (motivation). He begins to believe that God has placed him on earth for a reason. R.C teaches his faith to Friday Friday asks questions but he can't answer. _nature: blows Crusoe's ship on the island and provides calm seas so he can survive. It represents both his Joy and sadness. He understands that his diligent work can't overcome the forces of nature which he believes is God's hand at work.