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Charles I and the English Civil War: Causes and Summary







<p>Charles I married Henrietta Maria, the Catholic daughter of the King of France. Like his father, he believed in his divine right to be k


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Charles I married Henrietta Maria, the Catholic daughter of the King of France. Like his father, he believed in his divine right to be king and chose to disregard the parliament. However, after 15 years of avoiding it, he found himself in need of money but could only ask for it once a year. Since the commons were predominantly Protestant, this led to the PETITION OF RIGHT in 1628. This petition stated that the king could not imprison or impose taxes without trial and without the consent of the commons. Charles dismissed it, citing his divine right. The PETITION OF RIGHT eventually became known as the "declarations of civil rights". In 1635, Charles used his royal prerogatives to extend SHIP MONEY, a tax on coastal towns for their defense, even though there was no war. In 1640, he turned to the SHORT PARLIAMENT to request money for an army to suppress a rebellion in Scotland, but the parliament refused to grant anything. A new parliament was elected in 1640, the LONG PARLIAMENT, which lasted for 20 years. It was significant as it represented the middle class and small gentry, including merchants and professionals, who wanted the king to be subject to the parliament. In 1642, Charles I attempted to arrest his five most extreme MPS in the House of Commons, but they had already escaped. This event, along with various wars and plots, eventually led to the execution of the king and the start of the CIVIL WAR (1642).

Between 1642 and 1649, bloody battles took place between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians. It was a conflict between the aristocratic landowners (king) and the middle class of merchants, artisans, and small gentry (Parliament).

The Civil War (1642 causes), English Civil War Summary

The civil war that broke out in 1642 was a result of the deep-seated conflict between Charles I and the parliament. Charles I's belief in his divine right as king clashed with the parliament's desire for more power and control. The tensions eventually led to a series of events, including the attempted arrest of MPS and the refusal of the parliament to grant the king's requests, culminating in the outbreak of the civil war.

Who Won the Civil War, The Civil War (1642) and The Commonwealth Summary

The civil war concluded with the Parliamentarians emerging as the victors, leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth. This marked a significant shift in power from the aristocratic landowners to the middle class, setting the stage for a new era of governance.

Long Parliament and Short Parliament

The LONG PARLIAMENT was a pivotal institution that lasted for 20 years and represented the middle class and small gentry. It was a reflection of the growing desire for the king to be subject to the parliament's authority. In contrast, the SHORT PARLIAMENT lasted for only three weeks and was characterized by the parliament's refusal to grant the king's requests, leading to its swift dissolution.

From Charles I to the Commonwealth

The journey from Charles I to the establishment of the Commonwealth marked a turning point in English history, signifying the shift of power from the monarchy to the parliament and the middle class.

This period of civil unrest and conflict ultimately paved the way for a new form of governance and the rise of the Commonwealth in English history.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • Charles I's belief in divine right led to conflict with Parliament
  • The Civil War (1642) was a result of tensions between the king and parliament
  • The Parliamentarians emerged as victors, leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth
  • The Long Parliament represented the middle class and small gentry, seeking more authority over the king
  • The transition from Charles I to the Commonwealth marked a shift in power in English history.
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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What were the main causes of the civil war of 1642?

A: The civil war of 1642 was mainly caused by the conflict between Charles I and the parliament, as Charles I's belief in his divine right clashed with the parliament's desire for more power and control.

Q: Who emerged as the victors in the English Civil War, and what did this lead to?

A: The Parliamentarians emerged as the victors in the English Civil War, leading to the establishment of the Commonwealth and a shift in power from the aristocratic landowners to the middle class.

Q: What was the significance of the Long Parliament?

A: The Long Parliament lasted for 20 years and represented the middle class and small gentry, reflecting the growing desire for the king to be subject to the parliament's authority.

Q: What marked the transition from Charles I to the Commonwealth?

A: The transition from Charles I to the Commonwealth marked a turning point in English history, signifying the shift of power from the monarchy to the parliament and the middle class.

Q: What was the significance of the Petition of Right (1628) in the lead-up to the Civil War?

A: The Petition of Right in 1628 stated that the king could not imprison or impose taxes without trial and without the consent of the commons, acting as a precursor to the civil unrest that led to the Civil War.

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