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Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist







CHARLES DIKENSD was born in Portsmouth, on the southern coast of England,
in 1812
He had an unhappy childhood
His father was


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CHARLES DIKENSD was born in Portsmouth, on the southern coast of England,
in 1812
He had an unhappy childhood
His father was


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CHARLES DIKENSD was born in Portsmouth, on the southern coast of England,
in 1812
He had an unhappy childhood
His father was


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CHARLES DICKENS CHARLES DIKENSD was born in Portsmouth, on the southern coast of England, in 1812 He had an unhappy childhood His father was imprisoned for debt, and his wife and children, with the exception of Charles, who was put to work in a factory, joined him in the Marshalsea Prison. WHEN HIS FATHER WAS RELEASED the twelve-year-old Dickens was further wounded by his mother's insistence that he continue to work at the Factory AT FIFTEEN →→ He found employment as an office boy at a lawyer's and studied shorthand at night. IN 1833-D his first story appeared IN 1836- still a newspaper reporter, he adopted the pen name "Boz", publishing Sketches by "Boz" a collection of articles describing London's people and scenes, written for the periodical 'Monthly Magazine'. THE PROTAGONIST It was immediately followed by the pickwick papers DICKENS started a full-time career as a novelist OLIVER TWIST was begun in 1837 and continued in monthly parts until April 1839 NICHOLAS NICKLEBYD was published in 1839 IN 1842 he embarked on a visit to Canada and the United States in which he advocated international copyright and the abolition of slavery. of his autobiographical novels became symbols of an exploited childhood confronted with the sad realities of I slums and factories. He died in London in 1870 and is huried in Westminster Abbey. OLIVER TWIST CHILDHOOD in the Victorian Age was generally a...

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cruel experience. A LOT OF CHILDREN were obliged either to work in factories and mines, or as domestic servants and chimneysweeps. Others became criminals. SOME GOVERNMENT ACTS-D like the Ten Hours Act, tried to improve children's working conditions by limiting the hours worked by women and children to ten a day. DICKENS-D was obsessed with children, whom he presented as either innocent or corrupted by adults. At the beginning, they live through a egative situation but later rise to happy endings. LONDON LIFE Is the most important setting of the novel ↓ which is depicted at three different social levels. FIRST the parochial world of the workhouse is revealed. SECOND-D the criminal world is described, with pickpockets and murderers. FINALLY the world of the Victorian middle class is presented. THE WORLD OF THE WORKHOUSE DICKENS attacked the social evils of his times the conditions prevailing in the workhouses were appalling. THEIR RESIDENTS were subject to hard regulations: (Dwa was required, families were almost always separated and rations of food and clothing were small and poor. THE OFFICIALS instead of alleviating the suffering of the poor, abused their rights as individuals and caused them further misery. THE STORY THE NOVEL -Dreflects the economic insecurity and humiliation Dickens experienced as a child. THE NAME "TWIST" represents the outrageous reversals of fortune that e will experience. OLIVER TWIST is a poor boy of unknown parents ↓he is brought up in a workhouse in an inhuman way. He is later sold to an undertaker as an apprentice, but the cruelty and the unhappiness he experiences with his new master cause him to run away to London. There he falls into the hands of a gang of young pickpockets who try to make a thief out of him, but the boy is helped by an old gentleman. OLIVER- Is eventually kidnapped by the gang and forced to commit burglary It is a middle-class family that adopts Oliver and shows kindness and affection towards him at last. THE GANG OF PICKPOCKETS AND OLIVER'S HALF-BROTHER Dare arrested in the end.