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William Blake's Poems: Analysis and Translation







<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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<p>Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republic


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Born in the English Lake District in 1770, William Wordsworth travelled to Revolutionary France, where he was fascinated by the Republican movement. However, the war between England and France forced him to return to England. In 1795, he moved to Dorset with his sister Dorothy, who helped him with his poetry collection. It was there that Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge, with whom he wrote the Lyrical Ballads in 1798, in the first edition, and then in 1800 in the second edition with the "Preface," a Manifesto of English Romanticism. He then returned to the Lake District, an area with wonderful landscapes that inspired some of his compositions. He had five daughters and passed away in 1850. Wordsworth believed that man and nature were inseparable, embracing a Pantheistic view of nature, where divine aspects were present in everything, especially in nature.

The "Preface" to Lyrical Ballads

In the "Preface" to Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth and Coleridge wrote about four important notions:

  1. What is poetry?
    They expressed that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and originates from emotions recollected in tranquility.
  2. Who is the poet?
    The poet is a man speaking to other men, with a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul. They also believed that the poet has the task of showing men how to understand their feelings and to give attention to the ordinary things of life and to the deepest emotions we can find in them.
  3. The object
    The principal object of poetry is to choose situations from common life, underlining the primary laws of human nature.
  4. The language
    They advocated for an informal language in poetry so that everyone could understand it, conveying their feelings and notions in simple and unelaborated expressions.


"Daffodils" is a poem written by William Wordsworth. The poem describes a field full of Daffodils, with images of the color of the flowers being golden, and their sprightly dance, set in Spring. Wordsworth relates the sense of freedom experienced in Spring with humankind's freedom. The principal sense in this poem is sight, followed by hearing and touching. Despite advocating for simple and common language in Romantic poetry, at the 16th verse, Wordsworth used a Latin word, "jocund," which was not typical of common language.

"London" - Wordsworth

In one of his poems, William Wordsworth described the city of London. But not the London destroyed by men, but a London that is still full of nature's aspects. The composition begins with a very positive presentation: "Earth has not anything to show more fair." Then the author defines every man who wants to destroy that spectacle of nature to make way for constructions as dull. He describes the beauty of the morning, the purity of nature untouched by man and the great calm everyone can breathe, unlike in the big cities. The most used sense is sight, as when he wrote about (…). Despite not mentioning human action, there are references to human aspects amidst much more about the countryside and nature.

The Tyger William Blake Analisi

The poem "The Tyger" by William Blake talks about the existence of good and evil in the creation of a tiger. It reflects the fearful symmetry and powerful presence of the creature. It questions the divine creator about the creation of such a fearsome and beautiful being.

The Tyger Traduzione

In the poem "The Tyger," William Blake reflects on the creation and existence of good and evil, beautifully captured through the portrayal of the tiger's powerful and fearsome nature. The poem also poses questions to the divine creator about the creation of such a creature.

Il Romanticismo Inglese

Il Romanticismo Inglese è stato un movimento artistico e letterario che ha avuto un impatto significativo sulla cultura e sulla letteratura del tempo. Impulsato dai lavori di poeti come William Wordsworth e Samuel Taylor Coleridge, il Romanticismo Inglese ha lasciato un'impronta indelebile nella storia letteraria, rivoluzionando il modo in cui le emozioni e la natura venivano esplorate e interpretate.

Manifesto del Romanticismo

Il Manifesto del Romanticismo Inglese, espresso nel "Preface" ai Lyrical Ballads di Wordsworth e Coleridge, sottolineava l'importanza delle emozioni, della natura e del linguaggio semplice nella poesia romantica. Questo manifesto ha contribuito a plasmare l'approccio dei poeti romantici inglesi alla creazione letteraria.

The Lamb William Blake Analisi

La poesia "The Lamb" di William Blake riflette sulla purezza e l'innocenza attraverso l'immagine di un agnello. Cattura la bellezza e la dolcezza della natura e della creazione divina.

The Lamb William Blake Traduzione

La poesia "The Lamb" di William Blake riflette sulla purezza e l'innocenza attraverso l'immagine di un agnello. Cattura la bellezza e la dolcezza della natura e della creazione divina, invitando alla riflessione su temi universali.

Riassunto - Inglese

  • William Wordsworth was a prominent figure in English Romanticism, known for his poetry and his connection with nature
  • The "Preface" to Lyrical Ballads, written by Wordsworth and Coleridge, outlined the principles of Romantic poetry
  • "Daffodils" and "London" are two of Wordsworth's famous poems that capture the beauty of nature and the contrast with city life
  • William Blake's poem "The Tyger" questions the existence of good and evil, reflecting on the creation of a fearsome creature
  • "The Lamb" by William Blake reflects on purity and innocence, capturing the beauty of divine creation in nature

For more detailed information on the topic, including the analysis and translations of William Blake's poems and the impact of English Romanticism, download the provided PDFs.

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Le domande più frequenti su Inglese

Q: What are the four important notions expressed in the 'Preface' to Lyrical Ballads?

A: The four important notions expressed in the 'Preface' to Lyrical Ballads are: what is poetry, who is the poet, the object, and the language. They discuss the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, the poet's role in understanding human nature, the principal object of poetry, and the use of simple and unelaborated language.

Q: What is the principal sense portrayed in 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth?

A: The principal sense portrayed in 'Daffodils' by William Wordsworth is sight, followed by hearing and touching. The poem describes a field full of Daffodils, with images of the color of the flowers being golden, and their sprightly dance set in Spring, relating the sense of freedom experienced in Spring with humankind's freedom.

Q: How does William Wordsworth describe the city of London in one of his poems?

A: In one of his poems, William Wordsworth describes a London that is full of nature's aspects, presenting a positive view of the city. He talks about the beauty of the morning, the purity of untouched nature, and the great calm everyone can breathe. Despite not mentioning human action, there are references to human aspects amidst much more about the countryside and nature.

Q: What is the theme of the poem 'The Tyger' by William Blake?

A: The theme of the poem 'The Tyger' by William Blake revolves around the existence of good and evil in the creation of a tiger. It reflects the fearsome and powerful nature of the creature, questioning the divine creator about the creation of such a fearsome and beautiful being.

Q: What impact did English Romanticism have on literature and culture?

A: English Romanticism, driven by poets like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, had a significant impact on the exploration and interpretation of emotions and nature in literature. It revolutionized the way these themes were approached and interpreted, leaving an indelible mark on literary history.

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