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Anglo Saxon







The Anglo-Saxon (410-1066)
Angles, Saxoma and Juter
Germanic triber who arrived in Britain over the cours of the 5/6 centuries


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The Anglo-Saxon (410-1066) 1 Angles, Saxoma and Juter th Germanic triber who arrived in Britain over the cours of the 5/6 centuries Language: they were mostly illiterate which used only the RUNIC ALPHABET composed of a series of mysterious characterro; they used it to for carving imscriptions on stone or metals, not for writing LONG RECORDS. They were: Farmers and fisherman; They lived: im wooden houses near streams or rivers. They built great halls in the centre of their villages, which they decorated with carving and paintings both inside and outside; they had a great sense of beauty. They were organised into family groups or clano → the most important Social bond was loyalty to the other members. The dialect spoken by diffenent triber evolved over time and together become known as Old Engli su → this language provides the basis for moderu English. Religion: at first they worshipped several gods. This is why the Christianity introduced by the Romaus disappeard until the end of the 6th century. Thau Pope Gregory I the Great, sent a momk, Augustine, to bring Christianity back to England. → Augustine went first to Canterbury and become the first Arcuibishop of Canterbury. Christianity spread across the kindows. Several monasteries were built and become impatant centres of communal life and culture → Christianity brings writing culture. much of what we know about the Anglo-Saxous...

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Didascalia alternativa:

is based on "The Ecclesiastical History of the England People", written by the monk Venerable Bede Anglo-Saxom words: The names of the days of the week come from the names of the major gods; The emoling -ing meaut "folk", or "family"; Ham mer "form" •ton meamt "settlement", so Birmingham or Southampton. and