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Sofia Campitelli



Sistemi inerziali, non inerziali e forze apparenti

Scopri i Sistemi Inerziali e Non Inerziali: Esempi e Esercizi Facili!

Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

This document provides an in-depth explanation of inertial and non-inertial reference systems, Galilean transformations, and apparent forces. It covers key concepts in classical mechanics, including the principle of Galilean relativity and its applications.

• Inertial reference systems move at constant velocity relative to each other
• Galilean transformations describe motion between inertial frames
• Non-inertial systems experience acceleration and apparent forces
• The principle of Galilean relativity states that physical laws are the same in all inertial frames




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Ogni SuTema di riferimento che si muova a velocità Costante rispetto a ein sistema
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Non-Inertial Systems and Apparent Forces

This section delves into non-inertial reference systems and the concept of apparent forces that arise in accelerating frames.

Definition: An apparent force is a force that is not produced by a physical interaction, but is observed in a non-inertial system due to the acceleration of the system itself.

The document explains that apparent forces can be measured but do not have a physical source.

Example: A non-inertial system could be one that is in accelerated rectilinear motion relative to an inertial system, with acceleration a_NI.

The principle of dynamics is applied to objects within non-inertial frames, showing how the total acceleration is the sum of the acceleration relative to the non-inertial frame and the frame's acceleration:

a = a_NI + a_rel

The concept of apparent weight is introduced, demonstrating how the perceived weight of an object can change in accelerating reference frames:

Highlight: Apparent weight = true weight ± apparent force

Various scenarios are explored, such as:

  • Constant velocity motion (apparent weight equals true weight)
  • Acceleration upward (apparent weight greater than true weight)
  • Acceleration downward (apparent weight less than true weight)
  • Free fall (apparent weight becomes zero)

The centrifugal force is discussed as a specific type of apparent force in rotating reference frames:

Formula: Centrifugal force F_c = mω²r, where m is mass, ω is angular velocity, and r is radius of rotation

The document concludes with practical examples, such as the behavior of a smartphone in a turning vehicle, to illustrate the effects of apparent forces in everyday situations.

Example: A smartphone in a turning car appears to move outward due to the apparent centrifugal force, which is equal and opposite to the real centripetal force keeping it in circular motion.

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Scopri i Sistemi Inerziali e Non Inerziali: Esempi e Esercizi Facili!

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Sofia Campitelli



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Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

This document provides an in-depth explanation of inertial and non-inertial reference systems, Galilean transformations, and apparent forces. It covers key concepts in classical mechanics, including the principle of Galilean relativity and its applications.

• Inertial reference systems move at constant velocity relative to each other
• Galilean transformations describe motion between inertial frames
• Non-inertial systems experience acceleration and apparent forces
• The principle of Galilean relativity states that physical laws are the same in all inertial frames









Sistemi inersivle.…...
Ogni SuTema di riferimento che si muova a velocità Costante rispetto a ein sistema
Inerziale l' in sistema inerziale

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Non-Inertial Systems and Apparent Forces

This section delves into non-inertial reference systems and the concept of apparent forces that arise in accelerating frames.

Definition: An apparent force is a force that is not produced by a physical interaction, but is observed in a non-inertial system due to the acceleration of the system itself.

The document explains that apparent forces can be measured but do not have a physical source.

Example: A non-inertial system could be one that is in accelerated rectilinear motion relative to an inertial system, with acceleration a_NI.

The principle of dynamics is applied to objects within non-inertial frames, showing how the total acceleration is the sum of the acceleration relative to the non-inertial frame and the frame's acceleration:

a = a_NI + a_rel

The concept of apparent weight is introduced, demonstrating how the perceived weight of an object can change in accelerating reference frames:

Highlight: Apparent weight = true weight ± apparent force

Various scenarios are explored, such as:

  • Constant velocity motion (apparent weight equals true weight)
  • Acceleration upward (apparent weight greater than true weight)
  • Acceleration downward (apparent weight less than true weight)
  • Free fall (apparent weight becomes zero)

The centrifugal force is discussed as a specific type of apparent force in rotating reference frames:

Formula: Centrifugal force F_c = mω²r, where m is mass, ω is angular velocity, and r is radius of rotation

The document concludes with practical examples, such as the behavior of a smartphone in a turning vehicle, to illustrate the effects of apparent forces in everyday situations.

Example: A smartphone in a turning car appears to move outward due to the apparent centrifugal force, which is equal and opposite to the real centripetal force keeping it in circular motion.

Sistemi inersivle.…...
Ogni SuTema di riferimento che si muova a velocità Costante rispetto a ein sistema
Inerziale l' in sistema inerziale

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Inertial Systems and Galilean Transformations

This section introduces inertial reference systems and the mathematical framework of Galilean transformations used to relate motion between different inertial frames.

Definition: An inertial reference system is one that moves at constant velocity relative to another inertial system.

The Galilean transformations for position, velocity, and acceleration are presented:

Example: For position: x_B = x_A - vt, y_B = y_A, z_B = z_A

These equations allow conversion of coordinates between two inertial frames moving at relative velocity v.

Highlight: The Galilean velocity addition formula is derived: v_B = v_A - v

This shows how velocities combine when changing reference frames.

Vocabulary: Galilean transformations - The set of equations used to convert position, velocity, and acceleration measurements between inertial reference frames in classical mechanics.

The document emphasizes that acceleration is invariant under Galilean transformations, meaning it's the same in all inertial frames.

Quote: "Acceleration is invariant (it does not depend on the reference system)"

The principle of Galilean relativity is introduced as a fundamental concept in classical physics.

Definition: The principle of Galilean relativity states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.

This principle implies that it's impossible to distinguish between different inertial frames through physical experiments, as the laws governing phenomena remain consistent.

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