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Scopri le Formule del Moto Rettilineo: Uniforme e Accelerato!


Scopri le Formule del Moto Rettilineo: Uniforme e Accelerato!
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uunam <3



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Il moto rettilineo uniforme e il moto uniformemente accelerato sono concetti fondamentali della cinematica. Questi tipi di moto descrivono il movimento di oggetti in linea retta con velocità costante o accelerazione costante.

  • Il moto rettilineo uniforme costante (MRU) è caratterizzato da una velocità costante nel tempo.
  • Il moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato (MRUA) presenta un'accelerazione costante.
  • Le equazioni del moto per entrambi i tipi includono relazioni tra spazio, velocità, tempo e accelerazione.
  • La formula dell'accelerazione gravitazionale è un caso speciale di MRUA, con g ≈ 9,81 m/s².
  • Le equazioni del moto uniformemente accelerato permettono di calcolare posizione e velocità in funzione del tempo.



= costante
= V. t + Si2.
V = As
S= v. t
t = s
(s/t direttamente
(V = costante)
a =


Understanding Uniform and Uniformly Accelerated Motion

This page provides a comprehensive overview of two fundamental types of motion in physics: Moto rettilineo uniforme (MRU) or uniform rectilinear motion, and Moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato (MRUA) or uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. The content is presented through formulas, graphs, and key concepts, making it an essential resource for students studying kinematics.

For MRU, the page illustrates that velocity remains constant over time. The key formula presented is S = V • t + Si, where S represents displacement, V is velocity, t is time, and Si is initial position. This equation forms the basis of the legge oraria moto rettilineo uniforme.

Definition: MRU (Moto rettilineo uniforme) is a type of motion where an object moves in a straight line at a constant velocity.

The graph for MRU shows a linear relationship between displacement (S) and time (t), indicating that they are directly proportional. This is further emphasized by the formula t = s/v, demonstrating that in uniform motion, time and displacement have a linear relationship when velocity is constant.

Highlight: In moto rettilineo uniforme, acceleration is zero, as velocity remains constant throughout the motion.

For MRUA, the page presents more complex formulas that account for acceleration. The primary equations include:

  1. V = a • t + Viniz (velocity equation)
  2. S = Viniz • t + ½ a • t² (displacement equation)

These formulas are crucial for solving problems related to moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato.

Example: In free fall, an object experiences uniformly accelerated motion due to gravity. The acceleration due to gravity (g) is approximately 9.81 m/s².

The MRUA graph shows a quadratic relationship between displacement (S) and time (t), illustrating that in uniformly accelerated motion, displacement increases more rapidly over time compared to uniform motion.

Vocabulary: Acceleration (a) in MRUA is defined as the rate of change of velocity over time, expressed as a = ΔV / Δt.

The page also touches on the concept of gravitational acceleration, denoted as 'g', which is a constant approximately equal to 9.81 m/s². This constant is crucial in calculations involving free fall or vertical motion under the influence of gravity.

In summary, this page serves as a concise yet comprehensive guide to the formule moto rettilineo uniforme and moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato formule, providing students with the essential tools to analyze and solve problems in basic kinematics.

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Scopri le Formule del Moto Rettilineo: Uniforme e Accelerato!

user profile picture

uunam <3



86 Follower


Studente di alto livello

Il moto rettilineo uniforme e il moto uniformemente accelerato sono concetti fondamentali della cinematica. Questi tipi di moto descrivono il movimento di oggetti in linea retta con velocità costante o accelerazione costante.

  • Il moto rettilineo uniforme costante (MRU) è caratterizzato da una velocità costante nel tempo.
  • Il moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato (MRUA) presenta un'accelerazione costante.
  • Le equazioni del moto per entrambi i tipi includono relazioni tra spazio, velocità, tempo e accelerazione.
  • La formula dell'accelerazione gravitazionale è un caso speciale di MRUA, con g ≈ 9,81 m/s².
  • Le equazioni del moto uniformemente accelerato permettono di calcolare posizione e velocità in funzione del tempo.








= costante
= V. t + Si2.
V = As
S= v. t
t = s
(s/t direttamente
(V = costante)
a =

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Understanding Uniform and Uniformly Accelerated Motion

This page provides a comprehensive overview of two fundamental types of motion in physics: Moto rettilineo uniforme (MRU) or uniform rectilinear motion, and Moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato (MRUA) or uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion. The content is presented through formulas, graphs, and key concepts, making it an essential resource for students studying kinematics.

For MRU, the page illustrates that velocity remains constant over time. The key formula presented is S = V • t + Si, where S represents displacement, V is velocity, t is time, and Si is initial position. This equation forms the basis of the legge oraria moto rettilineo uniforme.

Definition: MRU (Moto rettilineo uniforme) is a type of motion where an object moves in a straight line at a constant velocity.

The graph for MRU shows a linear relationship between displacement (S) and time (t), indicating that they are directly proportional. This is further emphasized by the formula t = s/v, demonstrating that in uniform motion, time and displacement have a linear relationship when velocity is constant.

Highlight: In moto rettilineo uniforme, acceleration is zero, as velocity remains constant throughout the motion.

For MRUA, the page presents more complex formulas that account for acceleration. The primary equations include:

  1. V = a • t + Viniz (velocity equation)
  2. S = Viniz • t + ½ a • t² (displacement equation)

These formulas are crucial for solving problems related to moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato.

Example: In free fall, an object experiences uniformly accelerated motion due to gravity. The acceleration due to gravity (g) is approximately 9.81 m/s².

The MRUA graph shows a quadratic relationship between displacement (S) and time (t), illustrating that in uniformly accelerated motion, displacement increases more rapidly over time compared to uniform motion.

Vocabulary: Acceleration (a) in MRUA is defined as the rate of change of velocity over time, expressed as a = ΔV / Δt.

The page also touches on the concept of gravitational acceleration, denoted as 'g', which is a constant approximately equal to 9.81 m/s². This constant is crucial in calculations involving free fall or vertical motion under the influence of gravity.

In summary, this page serves as a concise yet comprehensive guide to the formule moto rettilineo uniforme and moto rettilineo uniformemente accelerato formule, providing students with the essential tools to analyze and solve problems in basic kinematics.

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